1698330998 Three truths and a question for those seeking dialogue with

Three truths and a question for those seeking dialogue with Hamas Nicola Porro

Israel Hamas

Borrowing a phrase from the Tuscan vernacular, the sinister pro-Hamas justificationists revisit the UN Secretary-General’s careless statements and attribute the atrocities committed at least in part to the local context linked to the eternal rivalry between them Israelis And Palestinians.

Well, in this context, for the benefit especially of those who are confused, I would like to reproduce the main passages of an excellent speech during the Omnibus broadcast on La7 Roberto Arditti, Formiche’s editorial director. In my opinion, this is a fairly clear analysis that significantly expands the field of observation and frees us from a whole series of ideological biases that prevent us from understanding the real challenges of the conflict it has triggered Hamas and by its increasingly hidden instigators.

“On September 27 – recalls the former director of Il Tempo – ten days before the frightening day of October 7, for the first time in history a minister of the Israeli government came to Saudi Arabia for an event organized by the organization. Arabia United Nations. He landed and spoke to his counterparts in the Saudi Arabian government. A historical fact, followed ten days later, at a time not chosen by chance, by the massacre of that day. Now ask me – I turn to the moderator – to what extent the dialogue part of the Arab world was the goal of all this: it is the fundamental goal of this story. So much Saudi Arabia, which, with all its contradictions in a country that is changing, has and continues to take a path whose consequences for the Islamic world are explosive. Because if Saudi Arabia – emphasizes Arditti – which is the guardian nation of Islam’s holiest sites, finds an international agreement with Israel, any other country whose population is predominantly or entirely Islamic will lose all motivation, because don’t do that do the same.
The scope of the dialogue between Israel and Saudi Arabia is of great importance for all those who want more and benefit from the war and the fact that the people of Gaza are suffering.”

In short: “The first enemy of the Palestinian people – claims Arditti, repeating an opinion that still has too little support in the West – is Hamas. A much worse enemy than Israel.”

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Criticizing a certain European and Western blindness, he then added: “I would like to remind you that the political, intelligence and military leaders of Hamas live outside the Gaza Strip and are protected and harbored in various countries, starting with Qatar.” That is , the same country where we unfortunately weren’t there, went to the World Cup. That means we have to understand that too against Hamas is not enough and it does not require just one specific response Europe, the United States and Israel, but much more would be needed compared to the duplicity of political attitudes displayed by the growth of Hamas.”

Arditti then concluded: “He remembered it in 2007 when it was consumed the internal conflict within the Palestinian political elitebetween the group most closely aligned with the National Authority and the emerging Hamas, which did very well in the elections – better in Gaza than in the West Bank -: Hamas wins in Gaza, wins in this internal conflict and makes a Series of successes from The death toll is between 300 and 500. Essentially the entire Palestinian Authority summit in Gaza was physically destroyed.”

At this point I would like to say that I am in complete agreement with Roberto Arditti’s thoughts and would like to conclude the article by asking the following question to the various supporters near and far of the… comprehensive dialogue with Hamas: Are you still sure that it is possible to negotiate with these people, considering that not even their Palestinian brothers were spared from their somewhat bloody methods, so to speak?

Claudio Romiti, October 26, 2023

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