Our love horoscopes for March 23, 2023 bring big changes in our relationships. We could say that a bright new day is dawning for us in astrology, brought by a change of zodiac signs for Pluto, the planet of transformation.
Having been in Capricorn since 2008 as we experienced economic downturns and disruptions in the real estate market, many lessons were learned along the way. With Pluto entering Aquarius, we have wisdom from real-world experience on our side. Our experiences have taught us to love others and accept individual uniqueness.
We have become intolerant of structures that want to define what love is and for whom it is intended. Authenticity fuels Pluto in Aquarius, leading to a crazy kind of happy chaos. Pluto fulfills our desire for authentic relationships and deeper meaning in intimacy, wherever that path leads.
We can experience a cosmic shift in love and relationships that begins in one area of life, which is difficult to pinpoint. To find out where you’re most affected, look at your sun sign’s love horoscope, but don’t forget to read your moon sign’s and your ascendant’s horoscope as well!
What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday March 23, 2023:
Aries, love takes a new direction as Pluto crosses the threshold and invades your realm of friendship. While this may mean new relationships related to business and networking, you may be making some major changes that will impact your love life as well. Pay attention to what is happening now as this will set the time for future issues that will play out in your life in the years to come.
You love to feel comfortable and appreciate it when people recognize you for your talents and skills. Now that things are starting to change on the planet, something big is in store for you too. Your public image may be taking a new direction and this may be something you have been wishing for. Elevating status will give you confidence that will spill over into other areas of your life including increasing the attraction of your partner or someone who is secretly falling in love with you.
Trust the universe. It’s sometimes easier said than done, but nothing else will do if you’re just willing to commit to a soulmate. You get a boost from the universe and move your life in the right direction. Something went wrong, but don’t worry. Today you are pivoting and making an important change that will move your life in the right direction. Not only do you connect with the person you are meant to be with, but you also realize who you are and what you have to offer a lover.
Something changes in you and it affects the rest of your life. You learn that it’s okay to keep certain secrets to yourself. You don’t always have to be an open book. Even if you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve, learn how to talk about your feelings in a healthy way. Today begins an empowering moment in your life that will help you love better but also take care of your heart in a way you have never done before.
Today you shape your life, especially in the area of love and partnership. You are learning more than ever to value commitment from the type of person you are typically attracted to and how you want to lead your love life. Now that Pluto is in your relationship sector where you have struggled to meet the right person, things are starting to change. You feel more confident and powerful. You can be more selective, knowing that everything will be fine in the end. You don’t have to settle for less than you deserve.
You’re all about the little things in life, and when someone you love takes care of your needs, it means a lot. What impresses you most today are the micro-moments. Small promises are kept, attention is paid to the details, and the small things your partner does to transform your life add up to copious amounts of love.
You are a romantic at heart, and for that reason you want a love that takes your breath away. You’re done with cookie-cutter relationships that are Instagram perfect but mean nothing outside of the image being presented to the world. You are ready for a kind of love that goes deep and can carry like traditional. That’s why, starting today, you’re changing the way you think about relationships.
Something in your life will change fundamentally and will affect your home and family. You might be planning to move and move in with someone special, or you might find that you can’t stay where you are in a current relationship. Expect power struggles. Even if you know that solving problems is not easy; You have the power to solve anything that gets in your way.
You have something important to say, Sagittarius, and when you’re committed to saying something, don’t hold back. You have an amazing talent for words and you may be willing to face strong emotions that have affected your love life and relationships in undermining ways. This is your time to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. You have an amazing opportunity to truly unleash and heal feelings.
Money takes on a new meaning today as Pluto leaves your sign to enter your financial sector. You may feel sudden awareness and a desire to make big changes to secure your future. Today can be a particularly tricky time if you or your partner is struggling with gambling or overspending. Try not to give in to the desire to buy or spend money on impulse.
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As the saying goes, nothing changes when nothing changes, and when Pluto enters your sign, you feel it in your bones. You’re making a big change on an inner level, and part of you may have wished for some crazy energy to motivate you to do something you haven’t done yet but want to do. You might be more open to tying the knot or falling in love. Make a note of this date as Day 1 for your love life to change, Aquarius.
Snap, snap. It’s you cutting ties with the past. You’ve held on to it for far too long, but now you’re wiping the slate clean with salty tears. Things will move in a forward direction for you. You may not be able to change the past, and you may not want to. Today you learn from it and it makes you a better lover, friend and person with compassion.
Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is YourTango’s Senior Editor for Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies at the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.