Tiger Man live action film based on the popular manga

Tiger Man, live action film based on the popular manga, announced. All the details Best Film

The Tiger Manthe popular manga on which Toei Animation’s anime series of the same name was based will soon be adapted into one Live action film filmed in Italy and Japan.

In fact, Fabula Pictures, Kodansha Ltd. and Brandon Box announced in the last few hours that they have reached an agreement to produce the film, which will be rooted in the mythology of the franchise and will pass on the iconic mask to one new protagonist. The CEOs of Fabula Pictures, Marco and Nicola De Angelishave hardly curbed their enthusiasm for implementing the new project:

«We are proud to announce this ambitious project This confirms our passion for finding universal stories that can delight and engage both national and international audiences. This partnership with Brandon Box and Kodansha represents an important step in the strategic positioning of our company in the audiovisual production scenario.”

Words reflected by those spoken Yohei TakamiHead of Rights/Media Business at Kodansha Ltd.:

“Tiger Mask is a character very popular in both Japan and Italy. […] We are pleased to bring a new Tiger Mask to global audiences by collaborating with respected Italian filmmakers who share our love and passion for Tiger Mask, such as Fabula Pictures and Brandon Box.”

Written by Ikki Kajiwara and illustrated by Naoki Tsuji, the manga Tiger Mask was published in Japan from 1968 to 1971 by Kodansha Publishing in Bokura Magazine (1968-1969) and Weekly Shonen Magazine (1970-1971). The Tiger Mask manga then inspired one Anime series very popular and was broadcast for the first time in Italy in 1984.

The original manga is set in the late 1960s and tells the story of a ruthless man professional wrestler who comes to Japan after establishing himself in the American rings. Behind the mask is actually Naoto Date, a young man with a heart of gold who donates the proceeds from his meetings to the orphanage where he grew up as a child. But the Tiger den, the cruel organization that trained him and made him the wrestler he is, does not tolerate the rebellion of one of their wrestlers and decides to eliminate him. So Naoto has to face the terrible opponents one by one, whose task it is to kill him in the ring.

The announced live-action film “Tiger Man” currently has none Release date officially.

What do you think? How captivating are you with this adaptation of the legendary manga? Let us know in the comments!

Also read: Creed, the challenges in the ring are not over yet! The fourth film in the saga starring Michael B. Jordan has been announced

Photo: Toei Animation