Timing of Titanic submersible implosion pending recovery of wreck understand

Timing of Titanic submersible implosion pending recovery of wreck; understand

Experts joined by Jovem Pan say that bringing some of the rubble to the surface is essential to clarifying the causes of the tragedy that killed five people.

OceanGate Expeditions/Handout via PortalTitan Oceangate
Titan, OceanGate submersible that imploded in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean with five passengers

Despite the wreck of the submersible titanium that they were found on Thursday 22nd and it was concluded that the cause of the accident was an implosion instantly killing all five crew members on board, there are still questions that need to be clarified. However, this is not an easy task as the rescue is difficult and the ship is in ruins. The wreck of the submarine still has to be recovered, located at a depth of 3,800 meters in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and in international waters, a place over which no country has jurisdiction. The Coast Guard of USIn a press conference on Thursday, he said it’s still not possible to create a chronology of how it all would have happened, but that work is being done to unravel the cause of the accident. After confirming the parts found were from the submersible and all dead, a US newspaper had access to information that said a secret system in the country on Sunday detected an anomaly in the region where the Titan was found , suggesting that the accident happened on the day of the disappearance. heard from experts boy pan Explain the importance of bringing this wreck to the surface so that people can understand what happened and correct the mistakes that were made.

It is worth remembering that Titan was not a regulated ship and met the requirements for operation. On the contrary, it was a different submersible and according to OceanGate, the vehicle manufacturer that offers tours to view the wreckage titanicfor the trifle of $250,000, It was the lightest and most costeffective model of any vessel of its kind and featured a unique feature: realtime hull health monitoring (RTM), which offers an unrivaled safety feature that assesses hull integrity on every dive, according to the company’s website. “Titan is the only manned submersible to have an integrated realtime health monitoring system. Through the use of localized acoustic sensors and strain gauges throughout the pressure boundary, the RTM system allows analysis of the impact of pressure changes on the vessel as the submersible descends deeper and an accurate assessment of the integrity of the structure,” the company said.

Titanic submarine

Problems in the hull may have been the main reason the submersible imploded, causing it to be unable to withstand the pressure and shattered into pieces. “As a submarine dives and dives, the pressure around it increases the deeper it sinks. When it’s at the surface, the pressure is atmospheric pressure, but when it passes 10 meters, it’s already two atmospheres. Where the Titanic is located, the pressure is 300 to 400 atmospheres,” explains Marcos Fernández, professor at the Department of Oceanography at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). “What makes the submarine resilient is what we call a pressure hull, and what maintains its strength is its shape and the materials it’s built from,” adds the expert, who also says that normally when Steel is used in the construction of a submarine, and titanium is used, but few are made from the latter material. The Titan was made from carbon fiber and titanium.

Paulo Sumida, Professor, Director of the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (USP) and diver who has already been to a depth of 4,200 meters, draws an analogy to understand the pressure that prevails in the region where the expedition is taking place was carried out. In his words, it’s like “there’s a locomotive on your thumbnail.” In addition to the intense pressure, he also points to the lack of technology on Titan, as expeditions into the depths require a vehicle with the necessary security to be able to bring people to these regions. “I find it very strange that the missing submersible does not appear to have this technology. He was a very simple thing. “A simple vehicle without many rescue mechanisms,” he summarizes. The USP director shares his experiences with submersibles used on his expeditions. “I do research in very deep areas and I often have the opportunity to dive in these submersibles. However, research institutions generally make vehicles very safe. For example, I dived with a Japanese submersible that can dive 6,500 meters,” he says, assuring that these research submersibles are very reliable.

What could have made the Titan beg?

missing submersible

The Titan submersible weighs 10,432 kg and can reach depths of up to 4,000 meters │OCEANGATE / AFP

The Titan had made other expeditions prior to the one on Sunday 18th and all had been successful, although some of them reported losing contact with the boat happened this time. Because the submersible was used so often, there is a chance that it was fatigued, which could have resulted in damage to the hull. In this way, if strong pressure was applied again, the structure could not resist and imploded. Jordi MasSoler, a professor in the Department of Marine and Marine Engineering at the University of São Paulo, says there are multiple causes or possible causes that could account for the implosion. “We are talking about a kind of almost imperceptible damage, an imperfection in the construction of the resistant hull that, after many missions, eventually led to the deterioration of its structural integrity,” says the expert, stressing that there are many hypotheses ranging from imperfections to damage is enough.

“There are many possibilities to explain what happened: it could have been a collision, or, in the preparation of the submersible for descent to the depth, another problem,” he summarizes. Jordi points out that the company’s intention to build a lighter and more economical submersible could be the main problem as, contrary to what they preached, there are several indications that the accident was caused in part by a lack of water resources. For Marcos Fernández, fatigue is the most likely cause of an accident. “It was a new material that had not been well tested. Its hull was the first carbon fiber submarine,” he explains. He also notes that there is a documentary showing how the construction of the hull is done using titanium and carbon fiber. “The two components have different expansion coefficients. So this could also help create a gap between one component and another. A small gap or crack is then sufficient for the structure to give way. So it was probably a fatigue issue that wasn’t properly noticed,” he adds.

Will remains and debris be recovered?

This is still a question that has not yet been answered. But experts say recovering the remains is complex. “In a deep region, fragments of the sub’s structure must be present. Therefore, it will be difficult for them to restore the entire structure of the submersible. Maybe they’ll recover somewhere,” says Jordi. Fernández agrees, noting that the bodies “were likely to have been severely deformed in an implosion of this nature.” “It’s unlikely you’ll save anyone’s body. You can try to redeem parts. That spread through the water column, but I don’t know if this exercise would be good for families at all,” he reflects. He points out that, in addition to taking a lot of time, it will also be necessary to collect the pieces and do a DNA test to find out who it is. “I don’t know if it’s worth it to spend so much money and so much suffering to save that.” Retrieving parts from the submersible is important to understand what happened. And that’s easier than doing it, but the human body has to be torn apart under that pressure and the whole process of implosion, occupation,” he laments. Adding to this problem, Sumida also says that over time, the bodies are quickly eaten by deepsea organisms.

killed in submersible (1)

Hamish Harding, British businessman, Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, PaulHenry Nargeolet, top Titanic expert, Shahzada Dawood, Pakistani businessman, and his son Sulaiman Dawood are the fatal victims of the submersible Titan │Reproduction/Instagram/@actionaviationchairman , Reproduction/Linkedin/PaulHenry Nargeolet and Reproduction/Site/Engro and Handout / DAWOOD HERCULES CORPORATION / AFP

How does the implosion happen?

An implosion is the opposite of an explosion, ie it is a process in which an object, structure or building collapses towards its center. The reason for the implosion and when it all happened are still unknown, but what is known is that it is a very rapid event. Paulo Sumida explains that the implosion “is the result of a structural failure of the submersible’s hull, causing the external pressure exerted by the nearly fourkilometerlong water column to crush and compress the air inside the capsule.” It probably happened that quickly that the crew didn’t even have time to think. MasSoler, on the other hand, points out that implosion can occur at any time as long as the pressure reaches the fracture point of the hull. Experts agree that Titan’s implosion must have occurred at the same time it lost contact with the surface, just before it hit the bottom, which would explain the three pieces of casing scattered on the seabed. Aileen Maria Marty, a former Navy officer and professor of disaster medicine at the University of Florida, said in an interview with US broadcaster CNN that the five The occupants of the Titanic submarine did not even feel like they were dyingo because the human brain is not able to understand the situation that quickly. “The whole thing would have collapsed before the people inside even realized there was a problem. Titan’s occupants died without knowing they were going to die. Ultimately, of the many ways we can die, this one was painless,” Marty said.

@titansub21 Simulation of what a Titan implosion might look like 😓💔 What do you think happened? #breakingnews #titansubmersible #titan #missingsubmarine #imploded ♬ Original sound Titan Submersible

Marcos Fernández, quoting Titanic filmmaker James Cameron, who has visited the wreck 33 times, said that more than 100 years after it sank, people are still being killed in the accident, in addition to the more than 1,500 who died on March 14. died April 1912. You’ve never had an accident with that deepsea submarine, you’ve never had an accident like this and a hull collapse, and now you have an accident in the same place where the Titanic had its accident. It’s in the same place. It’s like the ship claimed five more lives. It’s very sad, but it will be progress. It was a man’s contribution to have that experience on this ship that was an experimental boat. We have already seen that there was a problem, now we will try to understand why there was a problem so that from now on it doesn’t happen to other people,” he said. Based on the contract signed by the crew prior to boarding the Titan, the company should not be held responsible for the accident. The terms stated that the expedition could end in death.