Tips on how to extend the life of your gas tank, regardless of your car

He’s really pumped up.

In 2006, Wayne Gerdes of San Diego, California broke the Guinness World Record for the longest distance driven on a single tank of gas, driving 2254.4 miles in a 2001 Honda Insight Hybrid and averaging 164 mpg.

“The low fuel light was on for over 300 miles before I finally ran out of fuel,” he told The Post.

Last weekend, some California gas stations charged up to $6.95 a gallon. With news that the US may be just weeks away from breaking the national record of $4.11 a gallon in July 2008 for the average gas price due to the Russo-Ukrainian War, Gerdes is the man of the day.

A former nuclear power plant worker, he turned his attention to fuel efficiency after 9/11 when, in retaliation for the attacks, he decided to try to limit his dependence on Saudi oil.

Wayne Gerdes once drove 1,675 miles on just one tank of diesel in a 2013 Volkswagen Passat.Wayne Gerdes once drove 1,675 miles on just one tank of diesel in a 2013 Volkswagen Passat. ROBIN FUCK

“Saudi oil money from the US and around the world provided the bin Laden family with incomparable wealth,” he said. “Bin Laden himself did a terrible thing to some of those millions, and the consequences are still being felt.”

What started as his personal protest soon turned into an obsession.

Since then, the gas guru has set records right and left. He traveled 472 miles on a single charge of a 2021 Porsche Taycan that was only supposed to go 225, and covered 1,675 miles on just one tank of diesel in a 2013 VW Passat.

Gerdes believes that anyone can surpass the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rating of their vehicle, no matter what car they drive.Gerdes believes that anyone can beat the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rating for their car, no matter what car they drive. ROBIN FUCK

Gerdes, 59, coined the term “hypermiling” in 2004 while trying to define the tricks, tactics and methods he uses to save fuel and increase mileage.

Today, he hosts the hypermiling forum, where tens of thousands of other cost-conscious motorists exchange tips on how to get the most out of their motors.

Gerdes, who drives a 2021 Toyota Prius Prime hybrid, believes anyone can beat their car’s EPA rating, no matter what car they drive. “I’m always trying to find new ways to improve the economy,” he said. “With each release of a new car, the most interesting thing is to discover the limits of its effectiveness.”

Gerdes coined the phrase "hypermiling" in 2004 as a way to define the tricks, tactics, and methods he uses to save fuel and improve mileage.Gerdes coined the phrase “hypermiling” in 2004 as a way to define the tricks, tactics, and tricks he uses to save fuel and increase mileage. ROBIN FUCK

And while some of his advice is a bit extravagant — like riding barefoot to lighten your lead foot — even his 30-year-old wife Marian has taken over the hypermailing baton.

“She beats the EPA about two-thirds of the time she drives,” he said. “Sometimes she doesn’t follow the posted speed limit (PSL), but I make sure she does when I’m in the car.”

Here are some of Gerdes’ best tips on how to get the most out of a gallon of gasoline.

gas pricesGas prices across the country are skyrocketing amid the conflict in Ukraine. China News Service

Travel with a load

Loaded driving (DWL) basically does the same thing as cruise control: the driver presses the accelerator pedal constantly and continuously, thereby using less gas. This is especially useful when you are climbing small hills. “Your speed will naturally change—lower as you climb and higher as you descend—but from the beginning of the climb to the final climb, your speed will remain the same because you never changed the pressure on the accelerator pedal,” Gerdes explained.

I love the long slide

If you’re pulling off the highway and there’s an exit ahead, start slowing down without using your brakes. “Just slide as long as you can to transfer as much of your kinetic energy as possible over a distance,” he said.

Gas indicator in the carBy gliding, instead of immediately braking, you can avoid hitting E a bit. Nicholas Cardullo / EyeEm

Ridge ride in the rain

Move the car slightly to the right, closer to the sidewalk, in wet weather. By not riding on water that accumulates in worn road grooves, you will get a smoother and therefore more economical ride.

Kill that speed

Simply obeying the posted speed limit can increase your gas supply by 20 percent. “Speed ​​kills economy,” Gerdes added. “Riding fast doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get to your destination faster, but it will cost you a gas station or charger – and your wallet!”

The car is driving on the highwayOverspeeding will use up this tank faster than overspeeding. ROBIN FUCK

Easier to accelerate

Don’t just step on the pedal – accelerate slowly but steadily. “If you have a fully loaded 18-wheeler in front of you that goes from 60 mph in 45 to 60 seconds, why would you want to overtake it?” Gerdes said. “Just accelerate with them and overtake only after you both pick up speed.”

Be the best brake

Accelerating from a standstill is bad for fuel economy, so if you see a red light ahead, slow down and try to time it so you can glide without stopping as soon as it changes to green. “Hopefully you get to the traffic light at some speed when it turns green and you can get to your target speed using a lot less power,” Gerdes said. “Let the rider next to you pass you to that light ahead. And then wave to them as you pass by at speed, and they accelerate from a stop.

fuel warrior wayne gerdes 2Wayne Gerdes broke records for fuel economy. Now that U.S. gas prices are skyrocketing, he offers advice on how to get the most out of every last drop.

For more gas saving tips from Wayne Gerdes, visit