Tire change Dont delay making an appointment TVA Nouvelles

Tire change: Don’t delay making an appointment – TVA Nouvelles

Even if Quebecers may still believe that they are in summer given the temperatures of the last few days, winter is still just around the corner and you should not hesitate to make an appointment for your tire change.

Winter tires are mandatory from December 1st, but it is often recommended not to wait until the last minute to fit them, especially in the workshop.

This is especially true for drivers of new cars who need to change tire sizes and may have difficulty finding the right model, CAA-Quebec said.

“Better choice of time slot, access to more tire models and above all: be ready for the first snow, no matter how early it may be: there are only good reasons to make your appointment now,” remembers Jesse Caron, automotive and road expert test coordinator , on Wednesday.

CAA-Quebec also recalled that there was no risk to its tires if they were changed earlier in the season.

“It is wrong to think that driving with winter tires too early in the fall will harm them, even if it is still 15 or 20°C at times,” he explained.

Generally it is recommended to do this after several consecutive days at around 7 degrees Celsius.

Also, don’t forget to test your car’s battery and prepare winter gear with a whisk, blanket, shovel, flashlight and grip plates to handle any unexpected winter events.