Tired of being scared Julien Lacroix breaks down during his

Tired of being scared, Julien Lacroix breaks down during his first TV interview – Noovo Moi

Blaming his problem with alcohol and drug use for Julian believes he has evolved over the past two years and has apologized to his ‘victims’.

“It’s all big. It doesn’t make me happy to be here to talk about it again, it doesn’t make me happy to go through this, it doesn’t make me happy to force it on my family, these girls, it doesn’t make me happy.”

He adds: “I was ashamed to be myself, I was ashamed to walk down the street, I was ashamed to hurt people.”

He took the opportunity to casually skin Le Devoir newspaper, which he says was “looking for clicks” and was “in bad faith” when he published his article about him.

“They did a job that was for the clicks. They made amalgams. You must be stupid not to be for the #meetoo movement. […] It started with Weinstein, who raped I don’t know how many women and is in prison, and today such articles are fashionable in the media.

“If you deny everything, you are a liar, if you take responsibility, you are a womanizer, a pedophile!”

“I apologized, but there will be a branch of people who will never be satisfied,” he continues. I have not hit anyone, I have not raped anyone, I am not a pedophile!”