Titan Submarine quotyou will kill someonequotthe warning emails received by

Titan Submarine: "alleged human remains" found in the rubble

Of “probable human remains” The wreckage of the missing tourist submarine with five people on board was discovered in the North Atlantic near the wreck of the Titanic, the US Coast Guard said in a statement on Wednesday (June 28).

These “remains carefully collected from the wreckage at the scene of the accident” and the found wreckage of the vehicle are analyzed, which should provide information “Critical elements in understanding the cause of this tragedy”said Capt. Jason Neubauer, who is leading the Coast Guard investigation into the tragedy.

Debris from the Titan found on the seabed about 500 meters from the wreck of the Titanic and at a depth of almost 4,000 meters, were returned to Earth in Saint John of Newfoundland in eastern Canada on Wednesday. They are now to be transferred from a US Coast Guard ship to a port in the US, where investigators can analyze them.

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