Titan submarine wreckage and debris found near Titanic it could

Titan submarine, wreckage and debris found near Titanic: it could be the imploded submarine | Family members report delays in relief efforts Il Riformista

The US Coast Guard reports that a debris field was found during the search for the Titan submarine that sunk in the Atlantic with 5 people on board. “In the search area, a debris field was discovered by an ROV near the Titanic. Experts from Unified Command are evaluating the information,” the US Coast Guard tweeted.

The acronym “ROV” stands for “Remotely Operating Vehicle”. The crucial threshold of 96 hours of hypothetical oxygen autonomy in the lost submarine was exceeded when the breathing air could be exhausted: The Titan featured a 96-hour oxygen supply. That said, for four days he dove around 6 a.m. local time on Sunday morning to descend to the wreck of the Titanic, setting the ultimate limit for the search for the sub between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Italian time. However, some experts have stressed that this was an indicative estimate, which could be expanded if measures had been taken by passengers to conserve the air they breathe.

Titan, the neuroscientist’s opinion: without air aggressiveness and strong hallucinations

Locked in the Titanic submarine that has become their coffin on the seabed, the five adventurous and risk-takers have gone under to see the wreck of the Titanic up close. You’re almost certainly dead. Perhaps, as the radar would have detected, they fired shots in order to be heard and geolocated, perhaps at some point in that complete darkness they understood that they had no escape and that they met the same cruel fate as the great tragedy that befell it she had experienced.

“Oxygen is gradually lacking and there is an increasing reduction in the body. There is a tendency to maintain blood flow in the cardiopulmonary cerebral circulation and therefore the peripheral part becomes numb Movement problems or paraesthesia. The little that remains goes to the brain: you don’t die suddenly as if you’d been strangled. If there is a lack of air, it then takes 4-5 minutes decline in cognitive functions“. Neuroscientist Arianna Di Stadio, a professor at the University of Catania and a researcher at the Neuroinflammation Laboratory at UCL Queen Square Neurology in London, explains to Dire.

Shahzada Dawood, Pakistani businessman with his son Suleman, British billionaire Hamish Harding, French explorer Paul-Henry Nargeolet and pilot Stockon Rush, CEO of OceanGate i missing locked in unreachable mini submarine However, it is not said that they resisted according to the countdown that from outside has kept the world in suspense.

“I strongly doubt that they have remained calm: the lack of oxygen makes us restless, we raise our voices and the more nervous we get, the more we consume, the more in a small context.” The hypoxigenation could lead to behavioral problems and aggressiveness between them led,” he adds. A scenario that would turn tragic fate into the perfect plot of a Lovecraftian-esque horror. Researcher Di Stadio would like to remember that it is the same death that occurs with drowning: “…Let’s think of the 700 migrants off the coast of Pylos”, concludes the researcher.

Titanic: Family blames OceanGate 8 hours before alarm goes off

The family of the British billionaire Hamish Harding, who went missing aboard the Bathyscaphe Titan, attacked OceanGate Explorations for waiting eight hours before sounding the alarm when he disappeared. The mini-sub sank about 10 miles southeast of St. John’s near the wreck of the Titanic at 8 a.m. Eastern time Sunday. At 09:40 she lost contact with her mothership, the Polar Prince.

However, he was not reported missing to the US Coast Guard until 5:40 p.m. Kathleen Cosnett, Harding’s cousin, 58, said the delay in contacting authorities was “too long”. He told the Telegraph: “It’s very scary. It took so long to save her, it’s too long. I would have thought three hours would be the absolute minimum.”

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