1687649781 Today lives to the limit Alicia loses weight breaks up

Today lives to the limit Alicia: loses weight, breaks up and denounces Nowzaradan Contra Ataque

Today Alicia lives to the limit: she looses weight, breaks up and denounces Nowzaradan

During her experience at Vite al Limite, Alicia Kirgan was one of Dr. Nowzaradan, but still she denounced him

When Alicia Kirgan attended Vite al Limite she weighed over 600 pounds and after seeing how her weight and overeating were affecting her life and relationship with her boyfriend, she turned to Dr. Now. The experienced bariatric surgeon gave the patient a strict program to follow in order to lose enough weight to be fine the operation. Her decision to join the well-known program came after her then-boyfriend told her to do something about her weight and overeating. According to Alicia, her eating problems started at a young age. As with many other Vite al Limite patients, trauma caused her to resort to food as a defense mechanism. She grew up in a chaotic family where her parents often fought. For comfort, she sought out food (especially sugary desserts) and could never give up high-calorie items. Participation in Vite al Limite was a success for her: Alicia was able to lose 85 kilos after an operation She lost a whopping 166 pounds. In the end, Vite al Limite’s Alicie Kirgan weighed from 600 pounds to 250 pounds, a weight she hadn’t been since middle school. After the successful operation, Alicia leads a very active life. She committed to going to the gym three times a week. He’s even tackled challenging outdoor activities like rock climbing – all details he’s been able to learn thanks to his Instagram profile, where he updates his fans on his health status and the progress he continues to make.

Today lives to the limit Alicia: the decision against Nowzaradan

Today, Alicia from Vite al Limite always values ​​her relationships. The ultimatum The message she received from her then-boyfriend, Tim Carter, inspired her to join the program. Weight loss helped them get back together, but in 2020, she announced their split. According to Alicia, the two decided to go their separate ways but continued to cheer each other on. This comes after Alicia took to Facebook to defend Tim as the show’s editing cast him in a bad light. Despite the success achieved with Dr. Nowzaradan treatment and the surgery performed, Alicia di Vite al Limite tried today a lawsuit against the series. The patient claimed that the show’s production team promised to cover all medical expenses associated with the surgery, but failed to do so. She also claimed that “Lives on the Edge” forced her into an inaccurate psychological evaluation and claimed that the therapy session on the show was scripted. Alicia Kirgan lived a fuller and happier life. She recently moved to Oregon and continues to climb regularly. Her weight had prevented her from doing this for many years.