Todays Ephemeris April 19 2022 What Happened on April 19

Today’s Ephemeris April 19, 2022: What Happened on April 19? Antenna 3 news

On a day like today, a April 19, 1956 Prince Rainier III. from Monaco and American actress Grace Kelly marry at Monaco Cathedral. 30 million viewers followed the wedding live on television. Many royal houses did not attend the ceremony, but Hollywood’s most famous faces did. One of the principality’s most glorious times begins.

He also April 19, but 1995a truck loaded with explosives exploded in front of the government building Alfred P. Murrah from Oklahoma City (USA) 168 people died. It was the deadliest act of terrorism ever committed on US soil and it was a case of domestic terrorism. The attack was carried out by far-right Timothy McVeig with the help of Terry Nichols. Of the 168 victims, 19 were small children who were staying in the daycare center of the federal building.

You want to know more? Discover the ephemeris of April 19 and see what happened, who was born on a day like today and who died. Also, don’t miss what’s celebrated, today’s horoscope and saints.

What happened on April 19?

1839: The London Treaty is signed, recognizing Belgium as a kingdom.

1927: Actress Mae West has been sentenced to 10 days in prison for obscenity in her musical Sex.

1928: The Spanish military aviation acquires its first bomber aircraft.

1971: The Soviet Union launches the first human-controlled space station Salyut 1.

1991: The people of Puerto Rico receive the Prince of Asturias Prize for letters in recognition of the “exemplary decision” to “declare Spanish as the sole official language of their country”.

2004: The European Community regulation requiring the labeling of genetically modified products or products made from a transgene comes into force.

2015: More than 700 immigrants disappear in the waters of the Sicilian Channel trying to reach the coast of Italy.

2018: Miguel Díaz-Canel replaces Raúl Castro in the presidency of Cuba.

Who was born on April 19?

1832: José Echegaray, politician, first Spaniard to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1932: Fernando Botero, Colombian painter and sculptor.

1941: Roberto Carlos, Brazilian singer and songwriter.

1949: Paloma Picasso, French designer and painter.

1955: José Mercé, Spanish singer.

1987: Maria Sharapova, Russian tennis player.

Who died on April 19?

1824: George Gordon, Lord Byron, English Romantic.

1882: Charles Darwin, British naturalist.

1906: Pierre Curie, French scientist..

1967: Konrad Adenauer, German politician.

1998: Octavio Paz, Mexican poet and essayist.

2015: Raymond Carr, British Hispanist.

What is celebrated on April 19?

Today, April 19, the World Simpsons Day.

Horoscope for April 19

Those born on April 19 are among the Zodiac Aries.

Santoral from April 19th

Today, April 19th, is celebrated St. Dionysius and St. Expeditus