Todays horoscope March 20 2023 of all signs of the

Today’s horoscope, March 20, 2023, of all signs of the zodiac

inside Horoscope todayMonday, March 20thHe Sun go to the shield Aries and at the same moment the equinox is generated. When this happens, the universe encourages you to keep the balance between the negative and the positive that you may experience that day.


Today will be a very important day for you because in addition to the equinox, the Sun will head towards your sign, signaling the start of a new personal cycle.

These are outstanding events, they are special because they mark the change of the climatic season and the beginning of a period in which it will be important that you stay in perfect balance and balance.

As the sun passes through the realm of your personality at the same time as what others notice about you, the universe advises you to put this into practice. To this end, you can prepare a bath to cleanse your energy and give yourself peace of mind.

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Aries weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Aries monthly horoscope for March

Aries horoscope 2023

Taurus horoscope

Today is the day of the equinox and the transition of the Sun to Aries. Its symbolism is the perfect balance that exists in the universe and the changing of the climatic seasons, indicating that in some aspect of your life you are beginning a three month period where you must apply the quality mentioned.

As the sun will cross the sector where you connect to your higher self and spirituality, I advise you to put this into practice and find your inner light to later enlighten others. For this reason you will devote yourself more to meditation and find search paths to activate and harmonize your chakras.

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Taurus weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Taurus monthly horoscope for March

Taurus year horoscope 2023

Gemini horoscope

Every year with the arrival of the equinox, a new cycle opens up for you and a new climate season comes. With these events, the Universe is reminding you of the importance of always staying centered and balanced.

It’s also a reminder to put more effort into collaborating with your study groups, colleagues, and friends over the next three months.

You can do this through your social networks, sharing your positive ideas to find a more philosophical vision of life. In this way you make your contribution to the common good.

See also:

Gemini weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Gemini monthly horoscope for March

Annual horoscope Gemini 2023


Today is the day of the equinox and the transition of the Sun to Aries. These are outstanding events that each year mark the arrival of a climatic season and a period of three months in which you can apply the quality of these events, which is balance, since the night hours are the same as at night. of the day

At the same time, the sun will pass through the projection sector of your work image and how you make yourself known to bosses and customers, consequently you need to know the light and dark, the good and the bad in this area of ​​your life in order to make better decisions in the beginning period can.

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Cancer weekly horoscope from March 20th to 26th, 2023

Cancer monthly horoscope for March

Annual horoscope Cancer 2023


Today the universe shows you the equality between day and night with the arrival of the equinox and the transition of the Sun to Aries. These are stellar events that mark a change in weather seasons.

They will also show you that you need to see both sides of the issues to be resolved over the next three months, the evil and the good, the light and its darkness.

As all of this happens in the foreign area and other cultures of your horoscope, they indicate that you should apply the mentioned when you are frustrated or feel that you have not achieved what you wanted outside of your country or that you miss your roots too much.

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The Leo weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Leo’s monthly horoscope for March

Leo horoscope 2023


Today, the arrival of the Equinox and the transition of the Sun into Aries indicate that a change in the climatic season has arrived and that it is time to be more balanced as these are the hallmarks of these events.

As the Sun activates the area of ​​your chart related to emotions and anger that you do not share with anyone with this sign change, the Universe advises you to integrate balance and not despair on these issues.

Now you must use your analytical side, control fears and once you have achieved it, share it with others so that they can achieve it too.

See also:

Virgo weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Virgo monthly horoscope for March

Virgo annual horoscope 2023



Every year on this day the Sun transitions into Aries and it also creates the equinox. These are events that mark the beginning of a cycle with a weather changing season that will require patience and balance.

With the sign change mentioned above, the king star will activate your house of personal and sentimental relationships and on these subjects the universe recommends you to put the above qualities into practice.

Don’t anticipate what’s coming your way and don’t make decisions until you’ve analyzed each situation. This way you avoid friction and discomfort between you and others.

See also:

The Libra weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Libra monthly horoscope for March

Libra horoscope 2023


Today the Sun will transition into Aries and with this movement marks the Equinox generation; Both stellar events are very important, the feature of which is to maintain balance and equilibrium.

As the Sun activates the health zone of your horoscope with this change of sign, this is where you should use the above traits the most to keep your body healthy.

If you get carried away by your nerves and lose your emotional balance, your defense system will weaken very quickly. This is why it is so fundamental that you connect with yourself and manifest the power of the phoenix bird.

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Scorpio weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Scorpio monthly horoscope for March

Scorpio horoscope 2023


Today is the arrival of the equinox and the Sun’s transition to the sign of Aries. When this happens, the Universe is telling you that a weather change season has arrived and that it is time to be more poised and balanced as these are the qualities of these events.

As the sun passes through your house of love, both in your relationship and in your children, I advise you to apply the qualities mentioned in these topics. In this way, you will find it easier to express all your feelings and stabilize your relationships, since you are one of those zodiac signs that can change out of love for their partner.

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Sagittarius weekly horoscope from March 20th to 26th, 2023

Monthly horoscope Sagittarius for March

Sagittarius horoscope 2023


With the arrival of the equinox and the passage of the Sun to Aries, a change in the climatic season is generated and also the beginning of a period of three very important months in which it favors you to use its property, namely the balance between light and darkness. , The good and the bad.

Since the sun will pass through the area of ​​​​your home and family, I advise you to put into practice the above, because in the face of any difficult situation it will be very important to remain calm and transmit this to you family core. All of this will make you want to achieve your well-being and harmony by spending time with them.

See also:

Capricorn weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Capricorn monthly horoscope for March

Capricorn horoscope 2023


As every year on this day, the Sun transitions into Aries during the equinox. These events are special because they mark the change in weather and the universe gives you a recommendation to apply in the next three months.

This advice is that you must maintain balance and balance in the area of ​​your horoscope in relation to your contracts and business agreements to be signed. By putting this into practice, you will be able to put all your creativity and cunning into practice, you could also come up with ideas to get better clients and have better negotiations.

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Aquarius weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Aquarius monthly horoscope for March

Annual horoscope Aquarius 2023


Today, as the Sun transitions into Aries, the Equinox is produced, signaling that a change in the climatic season has come and the beginning of a three-month period. But it also indicates that it’s time to be more balanced, to maintain balance between the positives and the negatives of an area of ​​your life.

As the Sun passes through the financial section of your horoscope, put it into practice on these issues whenever you are in need and fears of economic instability are aroused in you. Achieving that calm is vital to you and maintaining good finances.

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Pisces weekly horoscope for March 20-26, 2023

Pisces monthly horoscope for March

Pisces horoscope 2023

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed to this.