Todays horoscope February 19 2023 all signs of the zodiac

Today’s horoscope, May 14, 2023, all zodiac signs

inside Horoscope todaySunday May 14thHe universe brings you the good news that mercury Start your direct path. You will notice this change of direction when everything around you begins to improve, solutions to your financial differences emerge, and disagreements in your personal relationships end.


As you have been going through many disagreements and discussions with loved ones over the past few weeks, today with Mercury moving in your direct direction is your time to clarify and resolve these matters.

To this end, to put your life back in order, you will spend much of the day analyzing how best to proceed in a situation of great vulnerability; especially when you feel hurt.

You will also try to figure out how to better deal with the opinions of those around you that you don’t like, and since you have a clear head you will be able to draw correct conclusions.

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Aries weekly horoscope, May 8-14, 2023

Aries monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Aries 2023


Mercury, the planet associated with your ideas and words, is already on a direct path in your sign after three weeks. With this influence, you will regain your powers of persuasion, get rid of insecurities, and be able to focus on the issues that interest you to resolve pending conflicts.

In addition, you will find that you are very good at explaining and making sure everyone understands you. This is because you manifest yourself clearly and very concretely. All these vibes will make you happy because it is not usual for you because your versatility in speaking allows you to go through a thousand details without ending the story.

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Taurus weekly horoscope for May 8-14, 2023

Taurus monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Taurus 2023


In the last few days, Mercury has been retrograde in the area of ​​your horoscope that relates to what you bring with you from past lives. This influence may have motivated you to engage in regression, to learn to meditate, and to use the shamanic energy that nature bestows upon you in this way.

Today it begins its direct journey and you will notice it in the clarity your mind needs to analyze everything you have found, integrate it and share it with your friends. In addition, you will find that your understanding and intuition will expand and you will connect with those around you in better ways.

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Gemini weekly horoscope, May 8-14, 2023

Gemini monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Gemini 2023


Today Mercury will take its direct path and with this movement your mind will again be alert for business matters and signing papers.

Use this influence to negotiate any kind of business agreement or sign contracts or important business documents that have been postponed due to backsliding.

In addition, with the change of direction of this planet, you will be able to organize your work excellently and make good decisions, as well as pay attention to the mistakes you may make in order to avoid them before committing them.

See also:

Cancer weekly horoscope from May 8th to 14th, 2023

Cancer monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope for Cancer 2023


In the last few days, Mercury, the planet representing your ideas, is in retrograde. From today it will be direct and you will give all your attention to solving the problems that have arisen with this movement. With the above influence, you can conduct money transactions and sign papers with more peace of mind.

When you talk to different people about work topics, you will be very comfortable to understand what they want to convey to you as soon as they start talking. Since you don’t need any further explanations, you can answer specifically and with the solution you have found.

See also:

The weekly horoscope Leo from May 8th to 14th, 2023

Leo’s monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Leo 2023


Today will be a good day for you as Mercury begins its direct path and you will feel that your thoughts will be more positive and stimulating. You will also find that you can regain your natural intuition and sense what other people are really trying to communicate to you.

With this influence on the horoscope, you will regain your innate quickness and use conversations by anticipating what they will say. In this order of ideas you can look at the problems from a different perspective with several possible solutions and solve them properly.

See also:

Virgo weekly horoscope from May 8th to 14th, 2023

Virgo monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Virgo 2023


Mercury, the planet associated with paperwork and monetary transactions, will begin its direct transit today. If you’ve been struggling with your bank accounts, business, and tax or insurance payments over the past few weeks, now is the time to solve the problem because everything will be better.

Use this to organize your business meetings, request renegotiation of bank loans or convene meetings to sign contracts. When you need to collect debts, it now becomes easier when you perform a ritual to settle a debt or get money back.


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The Libra weekly horoscope from May 8th to April 14th, 2023

Libra monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Libra 2023

Scorpio horoscope

If Mercury begins its direct path today, your relationships will become easier, fears and disagreements will disappear, and sentimental misunderstandings will finally come to an end. Now you can clarify the issues that have arisen over the last month and complete a discussion cycle.

The change of direction on this planet will also greatly encourage you to spend more time with your loved one and friends as you could put pressure on them to spend more time with you. I recommend that you don’t insist and give yourself a few days pass while you should scale back your more possessive side.

See also:

Scorpio weekly horoscope, May 8-14, 2023

Scorpio monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Scorpio 2023

Sagittarius horoscope

Today Mercury will take its direct path and you will notice it in your everyday work. You will find that there are no more delays or complications with supervisors. You will be able to establish yourself better at work, be more efficient and make more commitments.

Also, people around you will easily understand what you mean because you express yourself clearly. With the above influence, you can also organize your ideas and your work, complete your tasks with absolute efficiency and speed, and thus achieve good communication with your superiors.

See also:

Sagittarius weekly horoscope from May 8th to 14th, 2023

Monthly horoscope Sagittarius for May

Annual horoscope Sagittarius 2023


As Mercury changes direction, you will feel a renewed desire to do things and a certainty that everything will be fine. You feel motivated to start projects again and your willpower increases.

All of this influence expands even further within you when the project or work depends solely on you; even if you need to develop professions that require mental effort and maintain it over several days.

It is quite a challenge for you to manage this successfully and you will even find it very easy to accept and overcome criticism and face any challenging situation.

See also:

The weekly horoscope for Capricorn from May 8th to 14th, 2023

Capricorn monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Capricorn 2023


The planet of communication will take its direct path. With this change of direction of Mercury, you will find that family talks are going better and you will think that it is time to take care of yourself and bring order to your inner, emotional and sentimental world.

Since you need this agreement, analyze your current relationship to find out if you are still in love or if you no longer feel the same love. After learning this truth, you will try to reach an agreement, either to make up or say goodbye. One way or another, you will remain calm because you will respect your feelings.

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Aquarius weekly horoscope, May 8-14, 2023

Aquarius monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope for Aquarius 2023


Mercury, a planet involved in what you think, write and transmit, is beginning its direct path, so now is a very good time to organize your thoughts and plan your weekly schedule carefully.

In addition, this change of direction will not mess up your dialogues and increase your ability to express yourself; even on difficult subjects or on which you usually prefer not to comment lest you be wrong.

Despite all this, you will find that the words you speak reflect exactly what you want to say; Aspect that will give you more confidence.

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Pisces weekly horoscope, May 8-14, 2023

Pisces monthly horoscope for May

Annual horoscope Pisces 2023

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed.