Horoscope for Sagittarius Paolo Fox today the forecasts for December

Today's horoscope of Virgo Paolo Fox: the forecasts for January 4th

It is not impossible that during this time there will be an opportunity to reflect on your own life and that of the last few months and perhaps even find opportunities to get involved in new areas. As I explained in the general predictions, the year 2024 still brings the dissonance of Saturn, and on days like today it may be more difficult to understand what to do and decide on the topic of love and family. Now we have to keep some calm.

Virgo weekly horoscope

LOVE: It is not easy to find the right rhythm in emotional life, in everyday matters… Venus is dissonant and could again cause fears in interpersonal relationships. It is likely that this period will begin with some anxiety. Make sure that no misunderstandings or unsolvable disputes arise. If the heart is only on one side there is a desire to experience new relationships, on the other side there is a fear of making mistakes again, hold on! WORK: When love has an uncertain influence from Venus, there are no contradictory elements regarding work, the only difficulties may be related to the past month regarding property. In these cases, care must be taken. It is likely that there will be some problems when dealing with a work situation. Therefore, as I expected some time ago, it is likely that you want to innovate or simply surround yourself with different people than in the past. WELL-BEING: The dissonance of Venus renews a certain attention to the circulation of the legs and the sensitive stomach. Although there is still discomfort in the joints, these are insidious planetary presences that are disruptive. The medications should only be used under medical supervision.

Virgo monthly horoscope

If there is tension in the workplace or something is not working as it should, it is appropriate to reach an agreement, which is easier from the 15th. It's better to always be careful. If you are waiting for an answer or want to gain an advantage, you can expect Mercury to be active until the 14th and a favorable Venus from the 23rd. In any case, January is a month in which there is still Saturn's opposition. Be careful not to put yourself in embarrassing situations. Those who don't have love might start looking for it from the end of the month, the problem is that work comes before everything else, family ties are the ones that pay the price, those who have been looking for love for too long will However, if you have the opportunity to meet at the end of the month, just overcome your reluctance! Separated or single? If you have a lot to do, you can take advantage of the good transit of Venus from the end of the month.