Tokyo issues long-awaited same-sex partnership certificates | Japan

Tokyo’s municipal government on Tuesday began issuing partnership certificates to same-sex couples who live and work in the capital, a move that has been long-awaited in a country that still doesn’t allow equal marriage.

The status does not carry the same rights as marriage, but allows LGBTQ partners to be treated as married couples for some public services in areas such as housing, health and welfare.

More than 200 smaller local authorities in Japan have already taken steps to recognize same-sex partnerships since Tokyo’s Shibuya district introduced the system in 2015.

As of Friday last week, 137 couples had applied for a certificate, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said.

There is high hope among advocates that the introduction of same-sex partnership certificates, covering both Tokyo residents and commuters, will help combat anti-LGBTQ discrimination in Japan.

Miki and Katie are among those who have no official proof of their relationship.

“My biggest fear was that in an emergency we would be treated like strangers,” Miki told the AFP news agency.

Without a partnership certificate, the couple, who wanted to be addressed by their first names, used to put a piece of paper with the contact details of the other in their wallets.

“But these were insignificant and we felt that official documents certified by the local government would be more effective,” Miki said.

Partners Katie and Miki play with their cat at their home in Tokyo. Miki and Katie, who have long had no official proof of their relationship, welcomed the partnership documents. Photo: Yuichi Yamazaki/AFP/Getty Images

“As more people use these dating systems, our community will feel more empowered to tell family and friends about their relationships without hiding their true selves.”

In recent years, Japan has taken small steps to embrace sexual diversity.

More and more companies are now proclaiming their support for same-sex marriage, and gay characters are appearing on television shows.

A 2021 poll by public broadcaster NHK found that 57% of the public were in favor of gay marriage, versus 37% against.

But hurdles remain, as an Osaka court ruled in June that the country’s failure to recognize same-sex partnerships was constitutional.

This marked a setback for activists after a landmark ruling by a Sapporo court last year that said the current situation violated Japan’s constitutionally guaranteed right to equal rights.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been wary of the possibility of legislative changes that would recognize same-sex partnerships nationally.

“Some politicians have made really negative comments, like that we have a mental illness,” Katie told AFP.

“But families don’t always consist of a mother, a father and two children. We should be more flexible,” she said.

Inheritance rights in the event of a partner’s death are still not guaranteed, while Katie’s lack of spousal visa status makes her ability to remain in Japan less stable.

“I feel like the Japanese have a high enough understanding of same-sex marriage now,” Miki said.

“All that’s left is for politicians to take it seriously and make changes.”