Tomaso Trussardi, the love story with the former Tronista ended badly: "used and trampled" | Nothing compared to Hunziker tendency division

Tomaso Trussardi and his connection with the former Tronista. “I felt used and trampled on,” crazy backstory.

Undoubtedly, it was not easy for him to accept the end of his marriage to the beautiful woman Michelle Hunziker. He was married to her for ten years and gave birth to her Sun and heavenly. He also tried again, as some of his friends had confessed, to patch things up with her, but to no avail. And he seems to have succeeded a new wound.

Including her, who still is one of the most popular showgirls Appreciated and appreciated in our country, she soon rebuilt her life from a sentimental point of view with the sensual doctor Giovanni Angiolini. At the end of the summer, however, the idyll was over. She has been single for a long time and now has a new love. Let's talk about Alessandro Carollo.

And he, the handsome one Thomas? In recent years, both have tried to understand whether he is still alone or whether he has done so a new partner. The fact is that he is like that Reserved so that nothing leaks. The gossip He went astray several times and made many assumptions, but in the end the various tips turned out to be wrong Hoaxes.

Tomaso Trussardi and his liaison with the former star of Men and Women

However, before you get engaged and then get married Michellehe had romantic relationships with other beautiful women from the vast world of entertainment. As a boy, he lived with a certain person. They dated for a year and she was a real star for a while men and women where she announced herself as Tronista.

He has a past of Miss Given the fact that she came second in the well-known beauty pageant of our country. She left television a long time ago, but not from the hearts of her numerous admirers. She got married and fulfilled her dream Become a mother.And. And she talks about it during an interview Thomas and about their previous relationship he explained: “ I felt used and trampled on“. Crazy backstory.

Unexpected background in Trussardi's lifeTravel trends by Anna Munafò

Anna Munafò, “trampled and humiliated”

Let's talk about the wonderful Anna Munafo who, during her heartfelt conversation with the family magazine DiPiù, revealed that the entrepreneur from Bergamo wanted to get to know her after discovering her at Miss ItalyHe made up that he wanted to see her for a casting for his company. When she discovered the truth he became very angry and he felt as he said.

Little by little she realized that he was really interested in her and he allowed himself to be wooed. Too bad he soon got fed up and left her, leaving a classic bad taste in her mouth and a lot of disappointment. She archived “everything” and enjoys it today her life as a mother and wife. He has gained a few pounds but has no intention of losing weight because he likes it that way.

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