Tommaso Zorzi, his sister Gaia, reveals: "I was drugged in a disco, there was a sedative in the cocktail"

July 11, 2023 4:01 p.m

The 25-year-old told her followers what happened to her during her second year at university in Maastricht, Belgium: “I foolishly accepted drinks from a group of men I didn’t know and ended up in the hospital.”

From the Internet

It’s a shocking story posted by on Twitter Gaia Zorzi, sister of TV presenter Tommaso, former winner of Big Brother Vip. The young woman, who is hugely popular on social media, revealed it was her Junkie at the disco when he was twenty, during his sophomore year a MaastrichtIn Belgium. “I foolishly accepted drinks from a group of men I didn’t know,” she says. “They found Rohypnol, a tranquilizer, in my blood. Thank goodness one of my roommates never left my side.”

“I didn’t remember anything” – “During my sophomore year, I went to the dance with my roommates and foolishly accepted drinks from a group of men I didn’t know,” Gaia wrote on Twitter. It was early evening, around 11 o’clock. What was supposed to be an opportunity to have fun and let go after the hard work of studying turned into a nightmare instead: “From that moment on, I don’t remember anything. Absolute zero,” he says.

“Fainted” – But what happened? “Apparently I passed out, the ambulance arrived in front of the club and I woke up in the hospital at 1pm the next day.” Blood tests revealed the cause of the sudden illness: “They found me Rohypnol, a tranquilizer known as the date drug It’s a benzodiazepine commonly used as a sleeping pill and sometimes used by criminals in sexual assault cases. For this reason, it is referred to as the “rape drug” along with Ghb and Gbl.

“Thank God my roommate was still there” – “Years later, this place in Maastricht was closed,” adds Gaia. The reason would be precisely due to incidents similar to those of Tommaso’s sister: “This happened to several girls, and it turned out that it was the bartenders who sold these substances to the boys who attended the disco.” In her case it was a friend who saved her: “Thank god one of my roommates never left my side that night while the other continued to have a night out. She also stayed in the hospital until 6am when she told her that I would probably wake up late and that it would be better for her to go home.

According to the Home Office website, flunitrazepam — known precisely by the trade name Rohypnol — is among the benzodiazepines “most strongly associated with drug-assisted sexual assault,” according to media reports. However, it is specified that forensic toxicology studies show that only a small percentage of drug and alcohol facilitated sexual assaults involve flunitrazepam.




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