Tommaso Zorzi in the emergency room Suspected thrombosis they discharged

Tommaso Zorzi in the emergency room: “Suspected thrombosis, they discharged me a while ago.” How is he and what happened

Tommaso Zorzi alarmed fans. The young man Influencers In fact, Milanese warned his followers on Instagram about one problem had at leg. In recent days, between training and the walk between Rome and Bologna, he has actually often shown discomfort in his right leg, which was due to an apparent disorder Accident during Milan Fashion Week.

It is not clear what happened during fashion week in the Lombard capital, but according to the former Gieffino, it seems as if he fell due to the rain. In the meantime, he announced that he had been there some time ago emergency department because of the pain and swelling that occurred in the same leg. Here’s what he revealed about it.

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On the way to the emergency room, Tommaso Zorzi experienced a few moments of concern when the swelling in his leg appeared to be “suspicious of thrombosis.” This was revealed by the same influencer who explained on his Instagram stories that he had gone to the hospital to have the area where he was injured checked.

“I came in with suspected thrombosis, I’ll just let you imagine the composure,” he told fans on social media. They fired me a while ago. It is not a thrombosis, but an infection. “I’m going to have to take the antibiotic,” he concluded. Then the picture in the emergency room where he wrote, “The leg was like this,” showing the swelling he presented to the hospital with. Read the full article