What is really happening in Ukraine? On Facebook and on TV Tony Capuozzo he has been wondering for weeks. In fact, given the previous years in Crimea is in that Donbass, since 2014. The Mediaset journalist, historical war correspondent and author and host of the program Terra! At Canale 5 he was among the first to bring the news of his death on April 20th Valery Kuleshov“a well-known blogger and Kherson, Ukraine. “The man,” Capuozzo explained on Facebook, “was killed in a death squad-style execution. From the beginning of the war he spoke about the everyday life of civilians: “Maybe it’s suspicion, from a perspective that someone in Kyiv didn’t like.
After 48 hours of silence, Capuozzo returns to the case. “I was wondering why, with the exception of one newspaper, the Italian news did not even cover the murder of Ukrainian blogger Valery Kuleshov. OK, it wasn’t Assange. Okay, he wasn’t Anglo-Saxon. Okay, many die innocent. Maybe it wasn’t in there Black list of Kyiv, Myrovets (The Peacemaker, go see it….). Maybe it was an out of tune detail in the chorus. Maybe it wasn’t fake news, it was just one ghost messages. She doesn’t deserve a phantom message that isn’t news. It happened to him in Moscow, where these things happen as it happened Anna Politkovskaya, he would die with less discretion. Someone would have noticed.”
A few weeks ago, Capuozzo had divided the public and politicians because doubts arose about the Bucha massacre: Russian or Ukrainian origin? The journalist, of course, was not questioning the massacre, but the use of these corpses by the Ukrainian army for anti-Western media propaganda purposes.