Too bad who gets through the curtain when you take

Too bad, who gets through the curtain when you take a stand against a black woman?

In art we have a black queen. We have a Beyoncé coming to Salvador in a black cultural rescue the largest concentration of black people in any area outside of Africa. It pays all the costs and promotes the empowerment that white people try to steal from us every day. Beyoncé is criticized by Pitty because, from a white woman's perspective, who would be if she “misjudged the timing” and performed in her country without the permission of white people?

How many “Luísas Sonza” do we have and how much of the material is fed to them every day when they are racist against black women and drag out a trial for years until they reach a ridiculous agreement?

But we also have a Taylor Swift who comes to perform in the same country Beyoncé dared to land in, but sings mostly for white people. This is where Swift takes money from a lot of people who camp out for days to see her on stage.

One of the biggest disasters in the history of shows in this country also takes a life! The death of a fan. Taylor does not say anything in any of the following lectures because “it is too difficult to talk about the subject.” Who Died? A black woman. How much do we criticize Taylor Swift?

Pitty, where were you when the mother buried her daughter? Where were the white women when this black life was taken?

Gaby Amarantos wrote an open letter to Pitty, extremely respectful and clear, to demonstrate her friend's mistake. He took a public stand because someone needs to show society what is acceptable and what is not, and the reasons why we can no longer let go of some things.