Top 9 Horror Stories Of Birds That Killed Humans Not

Top 9 Horror Stories Of Birds That Killed Humans, Not Nice Those Sparrows Topito

Some sparrows may be history’s dumbest birds or the ugliest birds, but that doesn’t stop them from being dangerous criminals. Some are vengeful for being bullied and have no qualms about taking the life of anyone who dares to look them in the eye for more than three seconds. Although it must be admitted that some people do not hesitate to shoot birds with rifles during their Sunday hunt. Still, if you come across a pigeon, it is right to change the sidewalk. You can never be too careful.

1. A man was killed by his cassowary in Florida

In 2019, a 75-year-old man was killed by his own cassowary while feeding the animal in his enclosure. He would then have fallen and the bird (the most dangerous in the world) would have taken the opportunity to kill him with its 10 cm claws on his feet. Moral of the story: never adopt a cassowary, that’s it.

2. A 5-month-old baby died from a magpie attack.

In 2021, an Australian woman was attacked by a magpie while out walking with Mia, her 5-month-old baby, in Holland Park West in Brisbane. Trying to save herself, the mother tripped and fell while carrying her daughter in her arms. When he fell, the child suffered a head injury and ultimately did not survive the tragedy. Prior to this accident, park managers had already attempted to reduce the number of magpies present, whose attacks were frequent.

3. An 81-year-old man died walking into an ostrich enclosure.

Scared to death of ostriches, Fred Parker was found dead by one of these birds in June 1999. While feeding the ostriches at his daughter’s farm, who were raised for their meat and skin, he would have entered the enclosure of one of the animals. The ostrich, sensing its territory threatened, would then have trampled on Fred Parker and snapped his neck. We really are on top of one of the worst animal species in the world, yes.

4. A young boy died in Ethiopia after being attacked by a martial eagle

In 2019, a martial eagle caused panic in an Ethiopian town. In the past, the bird of prey often attacked children. Eventually one day he injured two and killed one by clawing and biting him to death.

5. An Australian died after being attacked by her rooster

In 2019, a 76-year-old Australian woman was attacked by her pet rooster while collecting eggs from her farm’s chicken coop. He actually bit her to death because her beak pierced a varicose vein that caused internal bleeding. The old lady eventually died from her injuries before the fire department arrived. Even an animal as bad as a rooster can be a cold-blooded killer.

An elderly Australian woman collecting eggs on her farm was fatally pecked by a rooster aimed at the victim’s varicose veins, researchers say.

Posted by NBC News on Wednesday September 4th, 2019

6. A biker died after hitting a turkey

In April 2019, a 70-year-old motorcyclist died after being hit in the chest by a flying turkey. The group of birds were crossing the road as the motorcyclist arrived and the collision resulted in the rider losing control of his motorbike, which crashed into a guardrail post, severing the 60-year-old man’s knee. The man eventually died from his injuries. It’s still very sad to be hit by a turkey.

7. An Indian was killed by his gamecock

In February 2021, a 45-year-old Indian man named Thanugula Satish died after being planted by his rooster. The bird was actually armed with a 7 cm knife because it was about to play an illegal match against another gamecock. The blade impaled the owner’s groin as the rooster tried to escape the duel. In January 2020, another man lost his life after his fighting cock blade cut his throat.

8. A pigeon fancier died from the droppings of his pigeons

In 2010, Bill Brailsford died at the age of 91 due to his passion for pigeon breeding, also known as pigeon racing. He suffered from lung disease from repeated exposure to toxic dust generated by bird droppings and died from extrinsic allergic alveolitis. And there must have been some droppings as Bill Brailsford had over 170 pigeons in his home.

9. The dramatist Aeschylus is said to have died because of a bird

Yes, even the stars of the past are entitled to their moderately stylish deaths. The dramatist Aeschylus, who died in 456 B.C. in Gela, is said to have died when a tortoise was hit on the head, thrown by a bird of prey, which mistook its skull for a large pebble intended to shatter the tortoise’s carapace. 10/10 for this legend I really want to believe.