Top general calls for more US troops in Eastern Europe

Top general calls for more US troops in Eastern Europe

WASHINGTON – The United States should consider developing additional bases in Eastern Europe to protect against Russian aggression, but rotate forces through them rather than make permanent deployments, the top US military officer told Congress on Tuesday.

Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the deployment could be funded by other countries like Poland and the Baltics that want more US troops. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said any effort to expand security in Eastern Europe is a “work in progress” likely to be discussed at the NATO summit in June.

Milley and Austin testified before the House Armed Services Committee about the 2023 budget proposal, but much of the focus of the hearing was on Russia’s war against Ukraine and what the US can do to better help Ukraine and ensure security in Ukraine to strengthen all of Europe.

Milley was asked about the need to move forces to Europe’s eastern flank, where NATO allies fear they could be Russia’s next target.

“My advice would be to create permanent bases but not permanently station (forces) so you get the effect of permanence from rotational forces circulating through permanent bases,” he said. “I think a lot of our European allies, especially those like the Baltics or Poland and Romania and elsewhere, are very, very willing to establish permanent bases. They will build them, they will pay for it.”

Austin added that he recently visited and spoke with leaders in the Baltics and noted that they made it clear they value US troops there. “We will continue to work with NATO to assess what requirements will move forward in the future,” Austin said. “We will be part of this solution.”

The Pentagon continues to review its troop levels across Europe and whether to add more or move some of those already there to other locations. Milley said on Tuesday that while no decisions have been made yet, there is a possibility, if not a likelihood, of increasing US troops in Europe and that needs could be met by rotating troops.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced last month that NATO is creating four new battlegroups, typically numbering between 1,000 and 1,500 troops, for deployment in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. NATO allies will discuss further security measures at the upcoming summit.

Milley has advocated deploying rotating troops worldwide to defray the cost of stationing troops and their families permanently in allied countries at risk of war, such as South Korea and the Persian Gulf. He said using this method would eliminate some of the costs associated with schools, housing and other such services.

Rotational forces unfold for shorter periods of time. Permanent forces are often deployed for two to three years.

Milley also agreed that Moscow’s aggression in Ukraine and its continued calls for the US and NATO to reduce troops and weapons in European countries along Russia’s borders are a sign of a protracted conflict in the region evolving over extends beyond Ukraine.

“I think this is a very long-term conflict and I think it’s at least measured in years. I don’t know how many decades, but certainly years at least,” Milley said. “I think NATO, the United States, Ukraine and all allies and partners that support Ukraine will be involved in this for a long time to come.”

Austin added that the far-reaching Russian demands are unacceptable to NATO and the US is looking at ways to provide additional assistance and training to countries, including non-NATO allies such as Georgia and Finland.

Members of Congress pressed Austin and Milley on what could have deterred Russia from invading Ukraine and that sanctions were not acting as a deterrent.

Both said the only way to deter Russia was to ground US troops in Ukraine, but that option was rejected because it risked a wider US war with Russia. Milley said he wasn’t sure Russian President Vladimir Putin had been a deterrent, given that invading Ukraine was a long-term goal of Moscow.

Milley and Austin also told the committee that the US learned a number of things from watching Russia battle an unexpectedly heavy Ukrainian defense last month. They said Russia has considerable military capabilities but has been unable to use them effectively.

Austin said Russian forces lacked training among their non-commissioned officers and that the Kremlin had been unable to procure the supplies and logistics needed for the ground forces

Austin said Ukraine has used Stinger and Javelin missiles effectively against Russian troops and weapons. Milley said Ukraine’s junior officers, many of whom were US-trained, have shown initiative and good command and control skills.