Top progressives fear Bidens approach to Israel will erode liberal

Top progressives fear Biden’s approach to Israel will erode liberal support – New York Post


Published October 29, 2023, 1:50 p.m. ET

A top progressive Democrat is warning President Biden that his outspoken support for Israel could cost him politically with some liberals.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, expressed concern Sunday that Biden could lose support if he doesn’t recalibrate his approach.

“The president needs to be… bold on this issue so that we maintain unity in our country and support the incredible things that he has done,” Jayapal said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” when asked about concerns about a Backlash from Muslims and Arab Americans and other progressives has asked about his previous comments.

“The American people are actually pretty far removed from where the president and even Congress – the majority of Congress – were on Israel and Gaza,” the politician claimed. “They support Israel’s right to exist, to defend itself, but they do not support exchanging war crimes for another war crime.”

Jayapal emphasized that she is “one of President Biden’s biggest supporters” and particularly praised him for his domestic policy efforts to empower the working class.

Progressive Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Sunday stressed her support for the president but warned him to revise his policies on the Israel war. Ken Cedeno/UPI/Shutterstock

She also expressed confusion that Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) recently announced his primary campaign against the 80-year-old incumbent president.

“Everyone has the right to run, but I’m sorry, I have no idea what he’s running for that’s different than what President Biden is running for,” Jayapal mused.

Jayapal, 58, has faced controversy in the past over her stance against Israel.

President Biden visited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on October 18. AFP via Getty Images

“As someone who has been on the streets and participated in many demonstrations, I want you to know that we have fought to make it clear that Israel is a racist state,” she said during a progressive conference in Chicago July.

Her comments at the time were in response to pro-Palestinian protesters who disrupted the conference.

“That the Palestinian people deserve self-determination and autonomy, that the dream of a two-state solution is slipping away from us, that it doesn’t even feel possible…” she said, drawing applause from the crowd.

The Washington Democrat has since walked back her comments, sparking strong opposition from both sides.

“I made it clear that what I meant was that Israel’s existence is absolutely legitimate, and I think that the world now sees it as legitimate,” she said. “However, there are racists within [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] The Netanyahu government is pursuing racist policies.”

The president has strongly supported Israel in public, but behind the scenes his administration has reportedly pushed the war-torn country to minimize civilian casualties. AP

Jayapal further argued that one should be allowed to voice legitimate criticism of Israel without being labeled anti-Semitic.

Israel has begun an expanded ground offensive in the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu confirmed on Saturday.

More than 1,400 Israelis and 33 Americans have been killed since Hamas’ October 7 surprise attack in Israel.

The Hamas-controlled health ministry in the Gaza Strip estimates that nearly 8,000 Palestinians have died in the conflict so far. Some experts have questioned that estimate given Hamas’ track record as a terrorist group.

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