The Red Cross does not like that, considers Eros Ramazzotti’s statements to the volunteers to be highly defamatory and is now considering suing him, as the association itself says.
The facts refer to Ramazzotti’s Florentine concert at the Mandela Forum last April 4th. Once a fan feels bad, the singer interrupts the music show and even gets off the stage.
At the microphone, so that everyone in the audience can hear him, he scolds the rescuers, who stand there helplessly and don’t know what to answer. “You’re eighteen, but what are you doing?”, “You arrived, ten minutes later she was already dead,” accuses the singer of what he considers a slow intervention. The video (below) is going viral everywhere.
The replica of the Red Cross lasts. “Referring to the video circulating on social media and republished by some local and national media, in which the singer accuses the CRI volunteers of negligence, the President of the Florence Committee of the Italian Red Cross, Lorenzo Andreoni, intervene as appropriate to protect the intervening rescuers and clarify the dynamics of the matter,” read a press release released last night.
It was Easter, but the Red Cross could not wait any longer in the face of the media outcry caused by the case.
“We are sorry that Mr. Ramazzotti took it out on our volunteers in front of thousands of people when, according to the factual report we had, the first team that intervened to save the person concerned more than adequately arrived on the scene times,” comments Andreoni.
“Only the second team reached them a few minutes later, as they were unable to pass through the understage corridor of Ramazzotti’s staff themselves, who forced them to force their way through the crowd,” explains Dalla Croce, Red again.
“I want to emphasize – Andreoni continues – that all the CRI volunteers activated for these major events act according to precise protocols and health plans agreed with the 118. Minimize their preparation and work with taunting words that are easily thrown from a stage on an evening when everything is entertainment, it is unacceptable behavior”.
“Voluntary work must be protected and with it the professionalism of many women and men who work for the population free of charge. Not everything should become a show and certainly not with a defamatory attitude. We left no one alone, from Ennio Morricone himself to the fan.” the other evening, who fortunately had no acute health problems, allowing her to enjoy the concert.As a representative of the 1,200 Italian Red Cross volunteers in Florence, I turned to our lawyer Massimiliano Manzo with whom – concludes Andreoni – we are examining how to proceed against Eros Ramazzotti”.