Totschnig against the German model "Penny of solidarity" for farmers

01/16/2024 3:15 pm (current 01/16/2024 3:15 pm)

Higher prices would be at the expense of farmers ©APA/dpa

In Germany, Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) is considering a solidarity contribution for farmers when they sell meat in stores; this is not a problem for Austria, it was said in response to an APA request. “Taking inflation into account, relief is needed rather than additional burdens, which is why a tax on meat is the wrong measure. Such a tax on meat would lead to a decline in sales to the detriment of local farmers,” the Ministry of Agriculture said.

At the start of an agricultural congress on Tuesday in Berlin, Özdemir said that farmers were promised relief following the tractor protests and that this must happen now. The consumption tax is intended to support farmers in converting to more species-appropriate and environmentally friendly animal husbandry. Alternatively, an increase in VAT on meat, for example, was considered in the past but was rejected, especially by the FDP.