1691713123 Toupie et Binou le film Marc Labreche and Anne Dorval

“Toupie et Binou, le film”: Marc Labrèche and Anne Dorval have a great day

The most hilarious fake couple to grace the small screen doubles as a children’s classic making its way to the big screen.

Toupie et Binou is first children’s literature, then a TV series, all created by Dominique Jolin. Building on its global success – dubbed into 30 languages ​​and broadcast in almost 180 countries – the series is now available as a feature film and arrives in theaters just in time to make people forget the start of the new school year.

For this 84-minute big-screen adaptation, Dominique Jolin and Raymond Lebrun have come up with a story that mixes madness with interesting messages for little ones. For example, Toupie (voice of Marc Labrèche) makes Mr. Mou, the dog that Binou never leaves, accidentally disappear after granting wishes to Dorothée (voice of Anne Dorval), a very clumsy genius.

In fact, Toopy, Binou and Dorothée go in search of Mr. Mou and come across amusing characters like this princess mare (voice of Geneviève Schmidt) or amazing twins (voice of Xavier Dolan and Stéphane Rousseau). Her quest for the land of lost objects takes her on adventures crazy enough to keep little ones hooked and with a few jokes for parents.

Toupie et Binou le film Marc Labreche and Anne Dorval

Stéphane Rousseau (Jean-Jacques), Xavier Dolan (Jacques-Henri), Marc Labrèche (Toupie), Anne Dorval (Dorothée) and Geneviève Schmidt (Princess) lend their voices to the film “Toupie et Binou, le film” at the cinema 11. August 2023. Photo courtesy of Écho Média and Sphère Films

Obviously, the joy of adults is Marc Labrèche’s voice, which we never tire of. His joy is contagious and makes this “Toupie et Binou le” film a pleasure for adults who watch carefully following the modulations of his voice. Here, with Dorothée, Anne Dorval finds a little too preachy dialogue about the dangers of cell phone addiction, but her character’s cutesy clumsiness makes up for this inconvenience. As for Xavier Dolan and Stéphane Rousseau, it is impossible to recognize their voices and the two actors are immaculate like seagulls in search of their father.

So, true to the Toopy and Binoo series, the film is a great way for parents of very young children to introduce them to one of their childhood classics.

Rating: 3 out of 5

Toopy and Binoo, the film hits provincial cinemas on August 11th.