Tourism in Italy is increasing despite inflation and uncertainty

Tourism in Italy is increasing despite inflation and uncertainty

Despite the increase in the cost of living, holiday reservations in the country recorded a 15% increase.


It hasn't been an easy year for many Italians. According to a recent survey, around half of them say they are seriously worried about the consequences of the Gaza war and, like most Europeans, are struggling with the impact of inflation on the economy.

However, uncertainty over what the New Year will bring and concerns about the political situation have not stopped those from doing their usual Christmas shopping.

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Furthermore, the Italians seem They are not ready to give up their vacation, especially during the holidays. In fact, according to the latest data available, tourist reservations increased by almost 15% between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 compared to the previous year.

During a walk through the capital, we asked some citizens about these questions.

It was a tough year in every way. We are concerned about these wars and we are concerned about the well-being of the country. I would say the whole situation has put a lot of strain on us, but we must not lose hope. May this new year bring more peace to the world,” says one man.

Another passerby replies: “First of all, I hope both conflicts arise.” [Gaza y Ucrania] finish. Although Christmas is about being happy, We must not forget those who are struggling financially and cannot make ends meet.“.

“I think there should be room for hope,” said another woman. And she adds: “To be able to feel the Christmas spirit that exists in it.” Trust in a better futureand how we can improve things. “It’s really up to us.”

As usual at this time of year, the streets of Rome are full of locals and tourists.