Towards Strategic Cooperation

Towards Strategic Cooperation

And it is that the leaders’ will to expand trade, investment and economic development should primarily benefit residents on both sides of the dividing line, more than 2,219 kilometers of contiguous space that has been disputed for years.

For this reason, it is very symbolic that the meeting between Maduro and Petro took place precisely on the Atanasio Girardot international bridge in the western state of Táchira, where last September the highest authorities of both countries met for the first time after restoring relations last August.

Although the ruler of New Granada acknowledged that “there is still work to be done” because it is not just about trade, but peoples who can come and go, particularly those living on the borders, the past few months have been big Progress made , he stressed the Bolivarian government.

A statement from Venezuela’s Foreign Ministry indicated that the full opening of the border for integration between Colombia and Venezuela creates “a consistent political, institutional and social framework.”

The text points out that the agreements signed by Caracas and Bogotá will lead to closing the social gap that has deepened in terms of poverty, unemployment and income in the border area, and will fundamentally and acceleratedly promote productive complementation and creation are from jobs.

They will also offer more social security to citizens in the context of social justice and peacebuilding.

In six months, both heads of state managed to rebuild historic bonds of brotherhood and cooperation, “overcoming nearly seven years of darkness and lack of diplomatic, economic, commercial and social relations,” he assured.

They also signed a treaty protecting and promoting investments between the two countries for the first time.

The aforementioned events not only strengthen trade and investment relations, but what is most important: institutionality and legal certainty for economic and social actors.

Maduro himself admitted that “a breath of fresh air is blowing for reunification, the reunification of what should never have been broken”.

Now the Venezuelan ruler is threatening to set up a team involving the governors and mayors of the border regions to plan a “giant historical step”: the creation of an economic development zone.

(taken from orb)