Trade and Investment Oriented Economic Forum of the Greater Caribbean

Over two days, the XV. Economic Forum held various seminars and activities aimed at promoting the exchange of experiences and the consolidation of foreign direct investment as well as the economy, the creation of opportunities and jobs, as indicated by the program’s broad agenda.

Opening the meeting the day before, Guatemalan Foreign Minister Mario Búcaro assured that the Greater Caribbean represents an opportunity to promote a circular economy and full use of natural resources.

Trade and Investment Oriented Economic Forum of the Greater Caribbean

“The challenges of climate change deserve that there is also talk of a blue agenda to build sustainable trade right now,” said Búcaro, who cited as one of the benefits of the event the opportunity to pledge points of cooperation and convergence for the progress of Caribbean nations find .

During yesterday’s and today’s sessions, the role of multilateral banks in creating an enabling environment for attracting foreign direct investment was discussed.

In addition, business people from different countries shared their experiences as leaders of major multinational companies and discussed issues related to logistics, connectivity, business transformation, entrepreneurship, business models and e-commerce.

As a highlight, Guatemala presented its competitive advantages as a relocation destination to the more than 150 participants.

The IX ACS Heads of State and Government Summit to be held in Antigua May 8-12 themed “Innovative Integration through Sustainable Development of the Greater Caribbean”.

Tomorrow starts here the XVIII. Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Caribbean Union and one day later the IX. Summit of Heads of State or Government that adopts the Antigua Declaration.

As the host country and responsible for this year’s presidency, Guatemala has, since the preparation of this meeting, expressed an interest in setting clear goals in relation to multidimensional cooperation, green and blue agendas, economic reactivation, investment and development, and the approach to migration from a development perspective.
