Tragic bus accident with many deaths in Venice

Tragic bus accident with many deaths in Venice

The Italian Interior Minister confirmed that a bus accident in Mestre, near Venice, in northern Italy, left 21 dead and 15 injured on Tuesday night. The lives of five people are in danger – two Austrian girls were also injured. An electric bus with several people on board left an elevated road and fell about 15 meters. The Public Prosecutor’s Office begins an investigation.

© Image: KURIER.TV

US-House Leader McCarthy was voted out

It is a historically unprecedented step in US politics: the House of Representatives has removed its Republican leader Kevin McCarthy. The majority of MPs voted in favor of a motion by right-wing hardliner Matt Gaetz to support McCarthy. The 58-year-old lost an internal party power struggle over budget policy and more aid to Ukraine. He became the first leader of the House of Representatives to be impeached in US history. The Chamber of Congress is therefore paralyzed until further notice. It is unclear who will now assume the presidency.

© Image: KURIER.TV

After runner dies: donated dogs

Following the fatal bites of an American Staffordshire Terrier in Naarn in the Perg district, all dogs still kept on the property were taken away. On Monday, a 60-year-old runner was bitten to death by one of the animals on a dirt trail – the dog was euthanized the same day. After long discussions, the dog owner’s partner voluntarily agreed to donate the other four animals and puppies. This is an important contribution to giving neighbors a sense of security. This also applies to the young child who lives with the couple.

© Image: KURIER.TV

Renovation of the Vienna Regional Court

Renovation plans for the Vienna Regional Court and the associated Josefstadt prison were presented on Wednesday. The project was publicized and awarded in 2017. Now that it is finally due to begin, the originally rumored costs of 250 million euros can no longer be maintained.