Traitors fans express their disbelief that Paul is once again

Traitors fans express their disbelief that Paul is once again evading suspicion, claiming his true identity is “obvious” and urging Harry and Miles to “throw him under the bus.”

Traitors fans were left stunned after Thursday night's episode as Paul incredibly managed to evade suspicion once again.

The 36-year-old CEO, who is a traitor, put himself in the line of fire after volunteering to be isolated in the dungeon along with three other vulnerable participants.

The faithful were completely shocked when he survived the murder and Meg was sent home instead. Theories briefly circulated that he could be a traitor.

Nevertheless, he managed to avoid suspicion at the round table because the believers were convinced of his innocence and trusted him completely, and only Jaz was still unconvinced.

Viewers were completely taken aback by the group's blind faith in him, as they claimed he was the “most obvious” candidate for a traitor following recent developments.

Traitors fans were left stunned after Thursday night's episode as Paul incredibly managed to evade suspicion once again

Traitors fans were left stunned after Thursday night's episode as Paul incredibly managed to evade suspicion once again

They also urged fellow traitors Harry and Miles to “throw him under the bus” as they claimed he was now the weakest link in the group.

On X – formerly known as Twitter – they wrote: “Paul is obviously a traitor.” They are all just surprised by the fact that they like him. “You have to remember, just because you like someone doesn't mean they aren't a traitor.”

“Paul could literally say, 'I'm a traitor.' And the rest would be like, 'Oh, stop it, you're so funny, hehe';'

“Paul should never have gone to the dungeon.” “Only a matter of time before he goes.”

“I really don't think I can keep watching The Traitors because everyone is absolutely STUPID. Other than “Jaz on Paul,” not a single valid argument was made at the round table, and no one was listening. I am angry. IDIOTS. idiots;'

“I still can't get over the fact that everyone trusts and believes Paul.” Just as Meg was under suspicion, a traitor would keep her in the game to keep himself in the shadows for as long as possible. But she had to be killed because Paul couldn’t, so that certainly points to Paul.”

“The traitors really get on my nerves, Paul literally laughs in their faces and they say 'Oh my God dear Pauly Wally, he's so lovable he can never be the traitor', incredibly stupid.”

“I just started watching #TraitorsUK. I so hope someone manages to throw Paul under the bus.” I think he's playing a good game, although I think the other traitors need to get together and throw him to the wolves because if they don't , he will definitely do it individually with everyone;'

Viewers urged fellow traitors Miles and Harry to

Viewers urged fellow traitors Miles and Harry to “throw him under the bus” after he was thrust into the spotlight following his stint in the dungeon – but still escaped banishment

1705073538 960 Traitors fans express their disbelief that Paul is once again 1705073540 324 Traitors fans express their disbelief that Paul is once again 1705073542 302 Traitors fans express their disbelief that Paul is once again 1705073544 459 Traitors fans express their disbelief that Paul is once again Viewers were completely taken aback by the group's blind faith in him, as they claimed he was the

Viewers were completely taken aback by the group's blind faith in him, as they claimed he was the “most obvious” candidate for a traitor following recent developments

Although the faithful did not understand why he survived the murder when Meg was sent home, he still managed to convince the group of his innocence due to his popularity

Although the faithful did not understand why he survived the murder when Meg was sent home, he still managed to convince the group of his innocence due to his popularity

“Harry and Miles need to throw Paul under the bus. 'As Paul said, you are only as strong as your weakest link!'

In Thursday's episode, Paul escaped banishment as Ant and Jonny came under fire instead and Jonny was then sent home despite being a believer.

They were completely shocked when he announced that he was actually a believer before he left, as many burst into tears at the news – including Harry, who was devastated at betraying his army colleague.

Paul managed to avoid suspicion at the round table, although when he returned to the castle the attendees were completely shocked and Meg was murdered instead.

Many had expected him to be murdered because he was “popular” and expected Meg to return to the competition instead, arguing that otherwise she would become a traitor.

However, the same theory didn't apply to Paul, because although they were initially suspicious of him, he quickly managed to win over the majority of the group – after his “Oscar-worthy” tearful round table speech the night before.

Jaz was the only Faithful who remained very suspicious of Paul and secretly told fellow contestants Ross and Harry about his theory, but admitted that he did not want to state it too clearly too soon due to Paul's popularity.

Jaz was the only participant convinced of Paul's guilt as he began spreading his theory to his trusted friends - although unfortunately one of them was the traitor Harry

Jaz was the only participant convinced of Paul's guilt as he began spreading his theory to his trusted friends – although unfortunately one of them was the traitor Harry

Jaz said to some others, 'I don't know how he did it!' He convinced everyone he was faithful!'

Evie and Zach also expressed some suspicions, but he was not voted in at the round table as the group focused on Jonny instead.

At the end of the episode, Harry told his fellow traitors Paul and Miles of Jaz the theory, but Paul remained confident in his position after winning over the group.

He said: “We have an anomaly with Jaz, who doesn't want to give up his little personal vendetta against me. “But he's very reserved at the moment and doesn't have a following, so I feel good.”