TRANSCRIPT Mom of two children this is how I manage

TRANSCRIPT. “Mom of two children, this is how I manage to feed my family with 60 euros a month” Closer France

Jamie-Lee Birch managed to feed his family of four only with 60 euros for a month. I try to save money and above all to make money in the face of the crisis In order to reduce the cost of living, she has set herself this goal. So this Gloucestershire woman decided to support her family at minimal expense. “We typically spend about £80 a week on groceries, then £20-30 on supplements, for a total of £100-110 a week.” she confided in Fabulous.

“With the steady increase cost of livingit was getting harder and harder.” , explains Jamie-Lee Birch. So the mother of the family decided to be content with what she had at home. Jamie-Lee Birch decides to shop on her weekly budget and stick with what they had at home. amazed at Result, it worked ! She started her plan in take stock of the contents of their closets. She then added what she felt was missing while remaining as profitable as possible.

60 euros in one month: quite a project!

In this month of saving she wants to have settled down a meal plan. In addition, his first purchase cost only 19 euros. All month Jamie-Lee Birch and his family were happy with that Toast, fruit, cereal and granola bars for breakfast. Lunch consisted mainly of the resumption leftovers from dinner or ham and peanut butter sandwiches. At dinner, she relied on variety. She mixed and varied depending on what was in his fridge. The step is often the most difficult.