Travel influencer Nataly Castro disappears and family asks for help

Travel influencer Nataly Castro disappears and family asks for help Splash

Nataly travels through Africa. She is traveling overland to save money and plans to travel from Guinea to Sierra Leone. However, according to a follower who says he spoke to an immigration officer at the border, the influencer traveled to Liberia, not Sierra Leone.

The family received contact from someone who saw Nataly after she lost contact with her family. This person spoke to the influencer 24 hours after Nataly’s last contact with her relatives and stated that she had no internet reception.

Who is Natalia?

Nataly wants to be the first black Brazilian to visit every country in the world. She began her journey in February last year and shows off the routine of a black traveler on social media. In an interview with UOL she explained:

On many flights and restaurants I’ve been on, I’m the only black person. And the looks at me are constant, some clearly racially biased. And that’s exactly why I joined the cause. Natalia Castro