Trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard live

Trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, live

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in one image file.Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in one image file.

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Actors Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are facing each other in a defamation lawsuit after the interpreter published an article in 2018 in which she described herself as a victim of domestic violence provided by her then-partner.

The man, who was the media actor’s assistant between 2014 and 2015, revealed in the High Court in London how he allegedly located the interpreter’s finger after a heated argument with Heard. You can find the complete information in this article.

In a legal battle with so much media coverage, every detail matters. And it seems that Amber Heard used a strange strategy, mimicking Depp’s “outfits” in the process, as you can see here.

Among the various personalities supporting Johnny Depp’s story are some ex-partners Winona Ryder, although most are colleagues of the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ performer who coincided with him throughout his more than 30-year Hollywood career . Read the entire article here.

So far, there has been no official announcement on the matter, so it’s safe to say that Heard’s attorney hasn’t resigned. Read the entire article here.

In one of the negotiation sessions, Amber Heard showed photos of drugs and Johnny Depp, who “passed out” from the alleged use of substances. Additionally, Heard posted an audio from 2016 asking Depp not to cut himself. Read the entire article here.

There is a list of around 120 possible witnesses for this media trial, including a number of stars: Elon Musk, Ellen Barkin, Paul Bettany and James Franco. The Tesla CEO is said to be testifying on behalf of Heard, who he was dating between 2016 and 2018.

In light of the denial of some of Amber Heard’s testimonies, several Twitter users pointed out that the actress appears very “studied” and at times appears to be deliberately reacting to what is said during the trial. Read the full note here

Ben King, a former executor of Depp’s estate, opened up about the moment he found a piece of a finger and traces of blood on the stairs after an argument in the bar area where the couple lived in Australia. Read the full note here

This Monday it was Johnny Depp’s turn to testify before Amber Heard at his trial.

Wanting to show that he had been violent towards his ex-wife, the actress’ lawyers questioned him about some messages he shared with actor Paul Bettany, in which he pointed out that they were “drowning, burning and one obscene word.” had to hand over to make sure she was dead,” the actor said, wanting to be disrespectful by using a phrase from Monty Python. Read the full statement here