Trilateral meeting between Justin Trudeau Joe Biden and AMLO the

Trilateral meeting between Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden and AMLO: the keys to the X Summit in CDMX El Heraldo de México

Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorpresident of mexico, Justin TrudeauPrime Minister of Canada and Joe BidenPresident of the United States will star X Summit of North American Leaderswhere matters of importance, concern and collaboration for the three countries.

In it, the heads of state and government and their delegations define the goals to be achieved in the coming years, which revolve around various axes, such as: health, migration or the environmentwith the aim of creating a stronger and more competitive region compared to other nations.

Who will participate with the guides

The Mexican delegation will consist of Andrés Manuel himself, alongside the head of the foreign ministry. Marcelo Ebrard; the interior ministerAdam Augustus; the Minister for Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguezthe finance minister, Rogelio Ramírez de la O; the ambassador to the United States Esteban Moctezuma; the environment minister, Maria Luisa Albore; and the Minister of Economy Raquel Buenrostro.

The President will attend on behalf of the United States Joe Biden; the ambassador to mexico, Ken Salazar; the ambassador to Canada, David Cohen; the Minister of Internal Security, Alejandro Mayorkas; the trade minister, Gina Raimondo; the special adviser for America, Chris Dodd; the Director of Affairs for the Western Hemisphere of the National Security Council, Juan Gonzales; Next to the Secretary of State Anton Blinken.

The thematic axes of the summit

According to the Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard Cassaubonduring the summit the topics of Diversity, equity and inclusionn; There will also be talks about them climate change and environment; as well as from migration and development; competitiveness, health and safety.

The meeting will take place at the CDMX National Palace. Photo credit: darkroom

Specific topics to be covered

In particular, in one of its recent meetings with the press, AMLO stated deals with importation of yellow corn from the United States; assured that in Mexico only that is aimed at White corn for human consumption, while in the case of the transgenic it is used for animal feed. He assured that it would be proposed that both countries conduct investigations Rule out damage to health from eating yellow corn.

During the meeting with Canada, the Mexican government made it clear that a significant memorandum of understanding would also be signed between them National Institute of Indigenous Peoples and CIRNAC (Relations between the Crown and Indigenous peoples and affairs of Northern Canada because attention to the indigenous peoples is a priority for both nations.

For his part, Marcelo Ebrard reported that the Bilateral cooperation issues like migration, in great detail labor mobilitya concept that has just been integrated into the discourse of the trilateral relationship because it didn’t exist that way, according to the foreign minister.

The agenda of the trilateral summit

The President of the United States Joe Biden arrived at Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) on Sunday afternoon and was received by his Mexican counterpart; Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau This will happen this Monday, January 9th.

A bilateral meeting between Mexico and the United States is expected to begin around 5:00 p.m. upon arrival Biden and his wife at the National Palace by CDMX, while at 6:45 p.m. the Prime Minister of Canada arrives for the trilateral dinner.

the X Summit of North American Leaders On Tuesday, the same thing will take place between the representatives of the three countries, also in the premises of the National Palace ends at 3:30 p.m. with a message to the media from the Central Patio. Biden will leave the country this afternoon.

Justin Trudeau will be arriving this Monday afternoon. Photo credit: darkroom

The summit celebrations will conclude on Wednesday 10 January with a bilateral meeting in between Justin Trudeau and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The meeting is scheduled for 11:15 am. ends with a statement to the press. At 1:00 p.m., Trudeau leaves the National Palace.


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