Trump and Milei meet at the largest conservative event in

Trump and Milei meet at the largest conservative event in the world

“Make Argentina great again!” This is how it was, to paraphrase his own slogan: Donald Trump welcomed Javier Milei at the first meeting of the two which took place this Saturday (24) in Washington (USA).

The former American president and the new Argentine president met backstage at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), considered the largest event of its kind in the world. Both spoke on the final day of the broadcast, which began on Wednesday (21).

As expected, Trump's speech was the most attended of the entire forum, attended by an audience of rightwing political figures such as Nayib Bukele (President of El Salvador), Santiago Abascal (leader of the Spanish rightwing party VOX), and Milei himself.

Federal MP Eduardo Bolsonaro (PLSP), son of former President Jair Bolsonaro, also took part. He denounced the current Brazilian government's persecution of opposition figures such as his father, judge Ludmila Lins Grilo and journalist Rodrigo Constantino (columnist for). People's Gazette), between others.

Trump gave a campaign speech, while Milei was more conceptual

“A vote for me is your ticket back to freedom, it is your passport out of tyranny. It is your only way out of Joe Biden and his gang’s fast track to hell!” said the United States presidential candidate in a campaign climate.

Trump said he considers himself a “proud political dissident,” referring to Russian Alexei Navalny, an opponent of dictator Vladimir Putin, who died on the 16th. And he promised: “Everything in our country will work properly again. We are respected like we have never been before”.

For his part, Javier Milei focused on his economic and antiwoke ideas. “Don’t allow socialism to advance, don’t advocate regulation, don’t allow the murderous agenda to advance, and don’t get carried away by the siren song of social justice. I’m coming,” he said.

Milei even took Trump's hook, saying he won't give up “until he makes Argentina great again.” Finally he published his slogan that went around the world: Viva la libertad, carajo!