1709098229 Trump beats Haley to win Michigan Republican primary News

Trump beats Haley to win Michigan Republican primary News

Donald Trump beats Nikki Haley, wins primary election in Michigan and takes new step toward nomination. Victory also for Joe Biden, even if the vote of the “Uncommitted”, the non-aligned group, exceeded the organizers’ expectations and received around 15% of the vote. “It is a huge victory for the pro-Palestinians in our country and for the anti-war movement,” said Abbas Alaeih, the spokesman for Listen to Michigan, the organization that promoted the boycott of Biden over his approach to the war in Gaza.
For the president, the vote of the undecided, largely represented by Arab Americans, is a sign of concern ahead of the November elections. They are trying to reassure Biden's campaign by highlighting Trump's weaknesses, which despite his victories show that he is unable to win at least 30-40% of Republican voters, that is, those who voted for in these first rounds of the primaries Haley voted. A significant sum that could cost him a victory in the White House and, according to observers, is likely to attract the attention of the Republican Party. Michigan is one of the key states in the 2024 race. Trump won it in 2016, beating Hillary Clinton by 11,000 votes. However, in 2020, it was Biden who won by a margin of just 2.78%.
Despite the new defeat, Haley is not giving up and reaffirming her commitment to staying in the race at least until Super Tuesday. “We're on a boat and we can go down with it and watch the country move to the socialist left, or we can take the life raft and go in a different direction,” Haley said in an interview with CNN, using a metaphor. The path to stay in the race is narrowing for the former ambassador, but her campaign remains optimistic, believing that the votes won by Haley are evidence of the division in the Republican Party with Trump as the nominee threatens In November, he lost even in the face of a weak Biden.

Joe Biden wins the Democratic primary in Michigan

Learn more Trump beats Haley to win Michigan Republican primary News US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA agency Joe Biden wins the Democratic primary in Michigan Joe Biden wins the Democratic primary in Michigan. That's what the American media says. The percentage of victory is not yet clear and, above all, the proportion of those who voted “non-committal” and did not take sides in protest against Biden’s actions in Gaza.

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