Trump defends vulgar statements in interrogation video

Trump defends vulgar statements in interrogation video

A civil lawsuit against the former US president over rape allegations is ongoing in New York. In an interrogation video, Trump insults the plaintiff’s lawyer – he “definitely would have no interest” in her – and defends her derogatory comments about women.

Former US President Donald Trump is once again causing controversy with offensive statements about women. A video of Trump’s interrogation last October was released on Friday in connection with a civil suit against the Republican for rape. In the 48-minute clip, Jean Carroll’s attorney Roberta Kaplan asked Trump questions about the case, which is currently in court in New York.

Trump, who has since announced a renewed candidacy for the presidency, once again rejected the allegations while repeating disparaging remarks about women. He also notably defended his infamous statement that, as a celebrity, you can touch women’s genitals.

Carroll accuses Trump of raping her in a New York department store in the mid-1990s. Trump, who was not yet a politician but a real estate developer, has always rejected the accusation – among other things with the words that Carroll he wasn’t her “type”. The criminal claims were time-barred, but under civil law Carroll was free to sue. She demands compensation. Allegations in the case are expected next week.

To the lawyer: “You wouldn’t be my choice”

Asked about Trump’s statements that Carroll was not his type – as was another woman who had accused him of sexual assault – the Republican said in the video of the interrogation to attorney Kaplan: “You wouldn’t be my choice either, to be honest, I hope that you’re not offended. No way would I be interested in you. Trump said he didn’t mean to be offensive. “But if someone accuses me of something, I think I have a right to be insulting.”

Elsewhere, Kaplan provided Trump with a photo in which he mistook Carroll for his then-wife. At the same time, the ex-president repeatedly emphasized that he did not know Carroll, did not know anything about “this crazy woman” and only greeted her in the photo at a charity event-without knowing her.

Also supports the statement “Grab ’em by the pussy”

Several women have accused Trump of sexual harassment in the past, which he has consistently denied. During his 2016 presidential election campaign, an old audio recording was also made public in which Trump made lewd and derogatory remarks about women – and about the fact that stars could touch women’s genitals if they wanted to. During cross-examination, the attorney spoke with Trump about that video and the statements contained therein. Trump defended his words at the time, saying, “If you look back over the last few million years, that’s probably largely true, not always, but largely true. Unfortunately — or fortunately.”

Americans elected Trump as president in 2016 despite vulgar statements. And many other scandals have not brought him down politically in the past. In the 2024 presidential election, Trump would now like to run again for the Republicans as a candidate – and among potential Republican candidates he has so far been at the forefront. He sees the New York trial, like other legal investigations against him, as an attempt to deter him politically. In the now-released video, Trump also describes Kaplan as a “political agent” and as an “embarrassment”.

Orders expected on Monday

Carroll’s civil trial against Trump is nearing completion. According to media reports, after all of the plaintiff’s American plaintiff witnesses testified, the court scheduled the allegations for Monday – after which jury deliberations would follow. The defense, therefore, is still open until Sunday to request a statement from Trump on the witness stand. In fact, Trump’s lawyers stated that their client did not want to testify in the proceedings. More recently, however, Trump has said otherwise and has put a trip to New York on the line.
