Trump expels man who interrupted speech during New Hampshire rally

Trump expels man who interrupted speech during New Hampshire rally; VIDEO G1

Trump expels man who interrupted his speech in New Hampshire

Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, has expelled a man who interrupted him during a speech at a rally he held this Saturday in New Hampshire (20).

The man in the audience was pushed by Trump supporters while the former president asked for him to be removed from the venue.

“You can get him out of here.” Get out of here. Keep going,” the former president said

At the time, Trump criticized incumbent President Joe Biden: “It is the greatest threat to our democracy. We will have World War III with Biden at the helm,” the former president said before the break.

The man was violently booed by supporters and escorted out of the rally by security forces. On stage, the former president continued to complain about the man's presence: “He's just a disturbed person,” he said.

1 of 1 Donald Trump in a speech after his victory in the Republican Party elections in Iowa Photo: JN Donald Trump in a speech after his victory in the Republican Party elections in Iowa Photo: JN

“If I could do anything to get a positive result, more campaign stops, more interviews, I would do it. But I can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don't have a clear opinion.” “That's why I'm suspending my campaign today,” DeSantis said in a video posted on X (formerly Twitter).