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Trump is provoking NATO again

Former American President Donald Trump, who is seeking reelection in November, has again threatened vulnerable NATO members who fail to meet the alliance's minimum military spending requirement of 2% of GDP.

“The NATO countries have to pay their bills. “The United States contributes $200 billion, and they contribute $25 billion,” Trump told reporters on Thursday, February 15.

The interview with the press took place in the New York court, where an appeal to dismiss the criminal case in connection with the bribery of porn actress Stormy Daniels with campaign funds was rejected.

“Their economy, if you add up the countries that make up NATO, is almost as big as our economy. This is much more important to them, because there is an ocean between us [e a Rússia]“ added the former president.

What had Trump already said about NATO?

Donald Trump (Photo) declared on Saturday the 10th that he would not defend the presidential elections in the United States if he won them NATO countries who are late with their payments and who even would encourage Russia to attack them.

The statement came during a speech in Rally in South Carolina. Trump mentioned a conversation with a president of a NATO member country, but did not reveal his name.

“One of the presidents of a major country said, 'Well, sir, if we don't pay and we get attacked by Russia, will you protect us?' I said, “You didn't pay.” You're a delinquent. He said, “Yeah, let's say that happened.” No, I wouldn't protect you. Actually, I I would encourage them to do whatever they want.”

It is not the first time that Trump has reported threats against a NATO member country. In 2022, he stated that he would not defend allies in the event of an attack Russia attackunless make a larger financial contribution to the alliance.

What were the reactions to Trump's statements?

US President Joe Biden criticized the comments of the Republican, with whom he is expected to run in the presidential election in November.

“A few days ago Trump invited [Vladimir] “Putin will invade some of our allies, NATO allies,” Biden said this Tuesday, March 13.

“No other president in our history has ever bowed to a Russian dictator. Let me say this as clearly as I can: I will never do that,” he added.

Biden continued: “For God’s sake, it’s stupid, it’s shameful, it’s dangerous, it’s unAmerican.”

Now Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg (Photo) said in a statement released on Sunday 11 that NATO “remains ready and able to defend all its allies.”

“Any attack on NATO will encounter a consistent answer and powerful,” he added.

“Any indication that allies will not stand up for each other harms the safety of all of usincluding the United States, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk.”