Trump revealed secrets about nuclear submarines

Trump revealed secrets about nuclear submarines

According to media reports, former US President Donald Trump revealed secret information about submarines with nuclear warheads at a dinner with Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt after the end of his term.

Former US President Donald Trump allegedly shared confidential information about nuclear submarines with an Australian businessman after his term ended. The Republican shared the details at a dinner at his private Mar-a-Lago estate in the US state of Florida, among others, ABC and the New York Times reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

Australian billionaire Antony Pratt is said to have disclosed the details about the submarines. He was questioned by the Public Prosecutor’s Office as part of the ongoing investigation against Trump.

Secret documents at Mar-a-Lago

Trump has to fight legally on several fronts. The Republican is accused, among other things, of illegally storing highly sensitive information from his time as President of the United States in private rooms. According to the indictment, these include secret documents containing information about US nuclear capabilities and the country’s military emergency plans. The Federal Police’s FBI searched his property in Mar-a-Lago in August 2022 and confiscated several confidential information there. Trump pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in Miami in June. It was the first federal indictment against Trump. The trial is scheduled to begin on May 20, 2024.

The Australian billionaire’s name does not appear in the case indictment. The New York Times identified the man. It is, therefore, Antony Pratt, the head of the packaging company Pratt Industries. According to the research, Trump did not show the man any secret material – but he did talk about secret information. Specifically, according to the New York Times, the former president reportedly talked about how many nuclear warheads were aboard the submarines and how close the submarines could get to Russian boats without being detected. (ag.; red)