Trump the very risky bet of his accusers

Trump: the very risky bet of his accusers

Donald Trump is a malignant tumor at the heart of American political life.

That is no reason not to seriously question the strategy of the American judiciary.

What seems certain is that the charges against him will revolve around paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep her silent about their extramarital relationship.


Buying someone’s silence may be immoral, but it’s not illegal per se.

The problem with that is that Trump was running for office at the time. Buying a coffee then becomes a campaign expense that you must disclose.

According to what we know from the files, Trump would have falsified his company’s accounts to disguise the reason for the payout.

But take the Trump case from above.

He is suspected of inciting rioters and organized militias to storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

He is suspected of trying to influence the outcome of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election by pressuring a local official to get him the 12,000 votes he needs.

He is suspected of countless financial and tax frauds, including falsifying the value of his assets in order to obtain more favorable bank loans.

He is suspected of bringing documents containing state secrets to his private apartment after the end of his term as President and of having obstructed investigations in this regard.

And it’s difficult to count all the women who say they’ve been victims of inappropriate sexual behavior on his part.

Simply put, he can be charged with crimes infinitely more serious than violating campaign finance laws.

” witch hunt ” ? It might be a bit strong.

It remains that many lawyers are at a loss. Many candidates or elected officials had extramarital affairs which they tried to suppress.

The 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, also wanted to buy his mistress’ silence.

The affair never reached the proportions of the Trump-Daniels affair.

It will surely be said that “no one is above the law.” True, but there is no precedent for such a spectacular and bombastic indictment on a minor matter compared to all other possible indictments.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is a Democrat. In the United States, this position is eligible. Mr Bragg is therefore a political opponent of Mr Trump.

Several lawyers with absolutely no sympathy for the ex-president are wondering if Bragg would have pushed ahead with such fury if the defendant’s name hadn’t been Donald Trump.

He rushes in, armed with a case the federal government once deemed too weak to serve as a basis for indictments.


Support for Trump among Republican supporters has just increased. For him, this business is an opportunity.

But it’s true that Al Capone was once jailed for refusing to pay his fair share of taxes.

Espionnage chinois et manipulation