Trump will be fined 10000 a day for not cooperating

Trump will be fined $10,000 a day for not cooperating with tax investigations

Former US President Donald Trump was ordered Monday, April 25, by a New York judge to pay $10,000 a day as long as he refuses to produce accounting and tax records as part of a civil investigation by his group.

“This is a great victory, a court has ruled in our favor in convicting Donald Trump of disability,” New York State Attorney General-elect Letitia James wrote on Twitter.

Appeal against a judicial decision

“Donald Trump will have to pay $10,000 a day for each day he continues to defy a court order to deliver documents to my office,” said the attorney general, who has been investigating possible fraud in the Trump Organization’s tax practice for years. On February 17, Letitia James obtained a New York judge ordering the Republican billionaire and his children Donald Jr. and Ivanka to testify under oath as part of this investigation.

A decision against which the Trumps appealed. But the court had also requested a slew of accounting and tax records about the Trump Organization before March 31. In the face of the lack of response, Letitia James has again retaliated in the New York State Supreme Court, demanding that he be held responsible for “obstructing him for his refusal to comply with a court order.”

The New York Attorney General suspects the Trump Organization of “fraudulently” overestimating the value of real estate when applying for bank loans and underestimating it with tax authorities in order to pay less taxes. Parallel to this civil investigation, a separate criminal investigation is opening in Manhattan into possible financial fraud within the Trump group.

SEE ALSO – War in Ukraine: Trump criticizes “stupid” westerners against “smart” Putin