1705428864 Trump wins Iowa by landslide DeSantis second North America Ansait

Trump wins Iowa by landslide, DeSantis second North America Ansa.it

Trump wins in Iowa and heads toward New Hampshire, where he hopes to close out the game to win the nomination. The former president won the caucuses with 51% of the vote, eliminating any doubts about his influence over the Republican Party and the severity of his legal problems in the race for the White House. While Ron DeSantis surprisingly took second place, he beat Nikki Haley to third place, albeit narrowly. For the Florida governor, the Iowa result is a breath of fresh air that allows him to look forward and continue to have confidence. But his victory over the former UN ambassador has a bitter aftertaste: DeSantis wins by just two percentage points – 21.2% to his rival's 19.1% – and his campaign behind the scenes admits that the main goal was not achieved. which should keep Trump under 50%. “They gave us a loss. “They had already written our obituary, but instead we continue regardless of what Fox says,” said the governor, sharply criticizing the media for declaring Trump the winner after just half an hour. Many factions had only just started voting began.

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At the Sheraton Hotel in Des Moines, emotions are mixed among DeSantis' supporters, many of whom arrived from Florida tanned and uncomfortable with Iowa's cold: on the one hand, joy at continuing the race for the White House, on the other on the other hand, the disappointment from Trump. But the frustration is palpable in the Haley household. The former South Carolina governor had been betting that the caucuses would establish herself as a real alternative to the former president, the new face of a Republican Party capable of putting the chaotic Trump era behind it. The night before, everything seemed to indicate that she might make it, but in the end she came third and failed to take her message to rural Iowa. Haley praised Trump for his victory, but warned: “Joe Biden can win against him.” However, the defeat has not demoralized her and she is now confident about the New Hampshire primaries to regain the momentum needed to win her race against Trump and Biden, the only two she wants to face in the debates from now on. Haley could be boosted by the departure of Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson from her presidential ambitions: their moderate votes could actually strengthen the former governor.

However, Vivek Ramaswamy's departure will see his votes, albeit few, flow in favor of the former president. The victory in Iowa clearly shows that Trump “is the favorite candidate,” commented Biden, explaining that the elections have always been and will continue to be “you and me against the extreme MAGA Republicans”: the Democratic leader has every interest in the Tycoon is once again a rival as he sees him as more vulnerable in the November elections due to his authoritarian tendencies. The former president won the caucuses by the largest margin in history, exceeding all expectations and showing that the 91 indictments against him did not at all discourage his base. In fact, Trump doubled in Iowa compared to 2016 (when he received just 24% of the vote), capitalizing on his popularity among those over 45 in rural areas, where he dominated unchallenged, and among the 53% of women who voted .

“I feel honored and re-energized. The big night that awaits us will be in November, when we take back the country,” Trump cheered with his loyal followers, reiterating that the trials against him were nothing more than “election interference” orchestrated by Biden. The tycoon is now running with the wind at his back to New Hampshire (polls put him at over 40%), with a stopover in New York to appear in court over the libel lawsuit against him by the writer E. Jean Carroll. A stop that reminds us how his campaign is influenced by the legal proceedings and the expected Supreme Court decisions on presidential immunity and exclusion from the Colorado primaries.

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