Turbulent landing A sleeping passenger was actually dead

Turbulent landing: A “sleeping” passenger was actually dead

Passengers on a British Airways flight suffered a major shock upon landing when they discovered that a 73-year-old woman they thought was sleeping had actually died during the flight, several European media outlets are reporting.

Last Thursday, a flight from London landed in Nice and as people were getting up to collect their luggage and exit the plane, some noticed a passenger still sitting motionless in her seat.

The passengers initially tried to wake her up, but became very worried because they couldn’t move her. In a panic, they then alerted the crew, who then called the emergency services.

Paramedics tried to revive her but were unsuccessful, French-English-language media The Connexion reports. The septuagenarian’s death was confirmed at around 10 p.m. local time.

She reportedly died as a result of cardiac arrest.