Turkiye Bartholomew A world without war and violence is possiblequot

Türkiye: Bartholomew: “A world without war and violence is possible" Vatican News German

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I called for “sincere dialogue” for reconciliation and peace in his New Year message. He believes that a world without war and violence is possible.

Bartolomeu calls for more solidarity with refugees

The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, called for more solidarity with people fleeing. It is important to see, first and foremost, the brother in each refugee…

“We strive and pray for peace and justice and firmly believe in the possibility of a world without war and violence,” said the Patriarch of Constantinople in his New Year message at the Patriarchal Church in Istanbul. Bartholomew addressed the wars in Ukraine and the Holy Land, as well as the mass displacement of people caused by climate change, and urgently called for reconciliation and peace. Many current developments would undermine human dignity. The Church must actively work against this and significantly strengthen ecumenical dialogue.

Solidarity and charity are not an option for Christians

According to Bartholomew, he himself is passionately committed to Christian witness in the modern world. The Patriarch recalled his meetings with Pope Francis, his participation in ecumenical conferences and interreligious meetings, as well as his speech at the UN international conference in Geneva last December, where he called for more solidarity with people on the move . Refugees must be seen first and foremost as brothers and sisters to whom solidarity and charity must be shown, regardless of their origin, religion or skin color. For Christians, solidarity and charity are not an option, but a commandment.

(cap – vn)