Turkiye, Erdogan: "If I lose the election, I lose power"

May 13, 2023 09:27

The President’s words on live television in response to a journalist’s question about his future in the event of an election defeat. “We will respect the result,” assured Turkey’s Ras


Recep Tayyip Erdogan breaks the silence on May 14 voting in Türkiye. “We came to power in a democratic way. If my nation decides otherwise, we will do what democracy requires of us, we will consider any result that comes out of the polls as legitimate,” the president said in an interview broadcast live by the general public, the majority of Channels. Turkish TV.

Erdogan: “We will respect the results of the polls” “I believe in my nation and if you don’t respect the polls, you don’t respect the nation. It is the duty of the individual who respects democracy to respect the country’s legitimate government and parliament during his tenure.” “We will respect the result of the polls,” Erdogan added in a live broadcast by the vast majority of Turkish TV channels Interview, answering a reporter who asked him what he would do if he lost the election.

The numbers from the night before the vote In Turkey, a member country of the Atlantic Alliance, everything is ready for the presidential and parliamentary elections on Sunday 14 May, the “most important electoral event of 2023”, according to the British magazine The Economist. Out of a total population of nearly 85 million, that’s 60.9 million voters, adding to the 3.2 million Turkish citizens who have already voted abroad, with a record turnout of 52.6 percent.

With the devastating social impact of
economic and financial crisisexacerbated by the war in Ukraine and last February’s tragic earthquake, it is not easy to predict.
The latest polls show a neck-and-neck race between Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu, with the latter having the advantage, which is however becoming increasingly thin. A confidential poll by PanoramaTR gives the Kemalist leader 47.9 percent of the vote and Erdogan 46.6 percent, still lagging behind but by a margin that would have narrowed.

Sinan Ogan, on the other hand, head of the ATA Alliance, would remain stuck at 5.6 percent. Although this poll has an error rate of 2.4 percent, none of the candidates appear to have managed to get 50 percent + 1 of the vote on the first ballot. Another poll by the ORC institute, conducted on May 10-11 among 3,920 people, assumes instead that Kilicdaroglu was elected in the first ballot with 51.7 percent of the vote, ahead of Erdogan, who won 44.2 percent comes. Further behind are Ogan with 2.8 percent and Ince (who has since retired) with 1.3 percent.
In case of votingTurkish voters are called upon to vote again on May 28th.

As for the general elections, or generals, voters are called upon to choose between 32 parties, mostly organized into coalitions, that will share the 600 seats in Turkey’s parliament. Many observers are predicting a “disjointed vote”, i.e. the choice between two different constellations between parliament and the presidency. A reshuffle of the cards could lead to political instability, which is not easy to manage in a strained social environment.

The latest PolitPro polls show that President Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party is in the lead with 34.4% of the vote. Followed by the Republican People’s Party (CHP) with 29.5%, Meral Aksener’s Good Party (Iyi) with 11% and the Green Left Party (YSP) with 10.3%. In terms of coalitions, PolitPro gives priority to the alliance between the AKP and the Good Party (IYI, which alone has about 12.9% of the electorate), which is expected to receive 53.3 percent of the vote, followed by the ChP with 34.6% . According to these polls, the AKP is likely to win 295 seats, the CHP 146, the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP, pro-Kurdish) 67, the Mhp 49 and the Iyi 43. The other political forces are unlikely to get enough votes to win them clear the 10 percent hurdle required for entry into the presidential team.

The pollster who predicted Erdogan’s defeat has been arrested Meanwhile, Kemal Özkiraz, founder of the polling institute Avrasya, who predicted a defeat in Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s elections, has been remanded in Ankara. Ozkiraz himself announced it on Twitter. The latest poll released by his company Avrasya shows Turkey’s current leader at 44.2% and forecasts a first-round victory for opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu of the Republican People’s Party with 51.3% of the vote.




  • The vote will take place on May 14th

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