TV Finance Back to Vladimir Putschtin Editorial by Charles SANNAT

“TV Finance. Back to Vladimir Putschtin…” Editorial by Charles SANNAT Insolentiae

My dear impertinents, dear impertinents,

And yes, because the situation is serious, you have to laugh, laugh at everything and always, but only with you, my dear readers, because you understand humor, self-mockery and puns, so I couldn’t resist Vladimir Putschtine’s pun … because did he just avoid a coup? What are the consequences ? How is the current conflict to be understood?

In short, so many questions that Philippe Béchade and I tried to answer in a somewhat heated debate!

So I leave it to you to listen and watch this video.

It’s already too late, but all is not lost.

Prepare yourself!

Charles SANNAT

Gas end of regulated tariff how to get the best“Insolentiae” means “impudence” in Latin.
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“To suppress peaceful revolutions, one makes violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

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