TV ratings | Thursday October 5, 2023. Blanca starts with 23.2% (4 million), Big Brother has to settle for 16

Last night, Thursday, October 5, 2023, the second season of Blanca There were 4,041,000 viewers, which corresponds to 23.2% (here is the comparison to the beginning of the first season). On channel 5 Big Brother 2,189,000 viewers gathered in front of the video, which corresponds to a market share of 16.7% (night: 913,000 – 24.7%, live: 609,000 – 18.8%). On Rai2 the appointment with NCIS There were 700,000 viewers, which corresponds to a share of 3.5%. Following the double episode of NCIS Hawaii 509,000 viewers gathered with 3.1%. On Italy 1 Kong – Skull Island hosted 771,000 viewers (4.4%). On Rai3 Beautiful frame 822,000 viewers gathered in front of the video, which corresponds to a market share of 4.9%. On Rete4 Forehand and backhand In total there were 807,000 viewers with a share of 5.7%. On La7 A clean swing recorded 662,000 viewers with a share of 4.9%. On TV8 for the Conference League Fiorentina – Ferencvaros reached 1,049,000 viewers with 5.4% (pre and post total: 744.00 – 3.8%). On the nine Murderer it reached 283,000 viewers with 1.6%. On 20 The accountant marks 449,000 viewers with 2.5%. About Iris The Eliminator it reached 428,000 viewers with 2.3%. On Rai Premium the repetition of This and that show it reached 172,000 viewers with 1%. In real time the new season of I’m going to split you in two recorded 203,000 viewers (1%) in the first episode and 218,000 viewers (1.1%) in the second episode. On Sky One X-Factor 17 It drew 397,000 viewers at 2.1% (531,000 cumulative considering +1, on-demand, repeats).

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Striscia stops below 3 million.

On Rai1 Five minutes There were 4,058,000 viewers with 20.8%. Below Your business gathered 4,488,000 viewers with 22%. On channel 5 Remove the messages averaged 2,934,000 viewers with a 14.4% share. On Rai2 TG2 contribution it reached 644,000 viewers with 3.1%. On Italy1 NCIS recorded 1,500,000 viewers with 7.4%. On Rai3 The Knight and the Tower There were 1,268,000 spectators (6.5%) in attendance. A place in the Sun it thrilled 1,590,000 viewers (7.7%). On Rete4 Tonight Italy brought together 867,000 listeners (4.4%) in the first part and 759,000 viewers (3.7%) in the second part. On La7 Half past eight There were 1,613,000 spectators (7.9%) present. On TV8 UEFA Europa Leagueentertained 438,000 viewers with 2.2%. On the Nine the new edition of Don’t forget the text – stay on track it collected 595,000 viewers with a 2.9% rating. Real time Italian recipes – dishes on the table reached 243,000 viewers and 1.2%.

Early evening

The free fall remains far from a chain reaction.

On Rai1 Chain Reaction – The Winning Agreement achieved an average viewership of 2,858,000 viewers (24.5%). Chain reaction it attracted 4,169,000 viewers (27.4%). On channel 5 Free Fall – The challenge begins marks 1,383,000 viewers (13.6%). Freefall There were 2,486,000 viewers (17.4%) present. On Rai2 Lock it attracted 358,000 viewers (2.5%). Il Mercante in Fiera – Fuori Due impressed 322,000 viewers (1.9%). The merchant at the fair marks 387,000 viewers (2%). On Italy1 Open Studio Mag gathered 419,000 viewers with 3.4%. CSI Miami it reached 787,000 viewers (4.6%). On Rai3 the news from TGR They gathered 2,243,000 viewers with 13.8%. Blobs marks 1,015,000 viewers with 5.6%. Via dei Matti N.0 marks 958,000 viewers with 5%. On Rete4 the pill from Big Brother marks 223,000 viewers (2.1%). After the news, Storm of love brought together 566,000 people to listen (3.1%). On La7 Father Brown it attracted 188,000 viewers (1.4%). On TV8 Celebrity chefs gathered 361,000 viewers with 2.2%. On the nine Cash or trash recorded 474,000 viewers with 3%.

Day morning

Daniele about Panicucci.

On Rai1 TgUnoMattina 431,000 viewers gathered with 11.6% (indoors). TG1 at 7: 402,000 – 11.4%). The TG1 Out of 8, it informed 1,034,000 viewers with 20.9%. One morning 844,000 viewers said good morning with 20.1%. There first part of Italian Stories recorded 837,000 viewers with 22%. On channel 5 Front page TG5 informed 529,000 viewers with 16.9%. TG5 morning informed 1,020,000 viewers with 20.7%. The appointment will then take place Mattino Cinque News It thrilled 798,000 viewers with a 19.2% rating in the first part and 784,000 viewers with a 20.4% rating in the second part. On Rai2 Radio 2 Social Club 183,000 viewers gathered with 4.5%. On Italy 1 Chicago Med reached an audience of 99,000 viewers (2.3%) in the first episode and 110,000 viewers (2.8%) in the second episode. CSI:NY it reached 109,000 viewers with 2.8%. On Rai3 Good morning Italy gathered 434,000 viewers (11.4%). Good morning region welcomed 560,000 viewers (12.1%). After a presentation (231,000 – 4.7%), Agora convinced 256,000 viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 6.1%. On Rai3 Start anew gathered 178,000 viewers with 4.6%. On network 4 MiamiVice averages 40,000 viewers (1%). On La7 omnibus reached 136,000 viewers with 3.4% in the news and 164,000 viewers with 3.7% in the debate. Below coffe break informed 165,000 viewers, which corresponds to 4.3%.

During the day noon

I Fatti Vostri drops to 7.7% in the first part, but increases to 10.4% in the second part.

On Rai1 la second part of Italian Stories 839,000 viewers gathered with 17.9%. It’s always midday it reached 1,510,000 viewers with 16.5%. On Canale 5 after the Big Brother pill (.000 –%), Forums reached 1,275,000 viewers with 19.3%. On Rai2 Your facts The first part attracted 395,000 viewers (7.7%) and the second part attracted 896,000 viewers (10.4%). On Italy 1 CSI:NY it reached 220,000 viewers with 3.8%. Big Brother it gathered 320,000 viewers with 4.1%, with the pill before the news, and 517,000 viewers with 4.9%, with the strip after the news. Sports media set it reached 690,000 viewers with 5.9% (More: 411,000 – 3.6%). On Rai3 after a presentation (164,000 – 4.3%), elixir gathered 254,000 viewers with 5.3%. To follow that TG3 at 12 it reached 680,000 viewers (9.4%). How many stories it attracted 644,000 viewers (6.2%). past and present There were 442,000 viewers with 3.8%. On Rete4 Danger wowed 82,000 viewers with 1.8% while on the pill Big Brother scored 2.2% with 127,000 viewers. After the news, the response from The secret it reached 119,000 viewers with 1.3%. Murder, she wrote received 531,000 (4.6%). On La7 The air that pulls This affects 214,000 viewers with a share of 4.4% in the first part and 346,000 viewers with a share of 3.7% in the second part called “Today”.

Daytime afternoon

The ladies’ paradise exceeds 20%.

On Rai1 after TG1 Economia (1,914,000 – 16.7%), The right time It reached 1,313,000 viewers with 11.9%, in the presentation broadcast from 2:10 p.m. to 2:49 p.m., and 1,300,000 viewers with 14.5%. The ladies’ paradise it reached 1,568,000 viewers with 20.5%. According to TG1 (1,128,000 – 15.8%), Live life 1,334,000 viewers gathered with 19% of the presentation and 1,685,000 viewers with 20.6%. On Canale5 after the Big Brother pill (.000 –%), Nice it thrilled 2,441,000 viewers with a 21% rating. Bitter earth it convinced 2,643,000 viewers with a market share of 23.8%. Below men and women it achieved an average viewership of 2,299,000 viewers with 25% (final score: 1,789,000 – 22.5%). Friends by Maria De Filippi reached 1,636,000 viewers with 21.6%. The promise it reached 1,496,000 viewers with 20.1%. Fifth afternoon It held its own with 1,044,000 viewers with 14.7% in the first part and 1,078,000 viewers with 13.7% in the second part (Greetings: 1,045,000 – 11.8%). On Rai2 the appointment with 14 o’clock it reached 793,000 viewers with 7.6%. Beautiful mom There were 444,000 viewers with 5.6%. Below Radio2 Happy Family thrilled 218,000 viewers with 3.1% (cheers: 136,000 – 1.8%). On Italia1 the appointment with The simpsons It reached 427,000 viewers (3.8%) in the first episode, 495,000 viewers (4.7%) in the second episode and 306,000 viewers (3.3%) in the third episode. NCIS New Orleans In the first episode, 245,000 viewers were affected at 3%, and in the second episode 233,000 viewers were affected at 3.2%. Cold case marks 220,000 viewers (2.9%). The pill Big Brother it achieved an average viewership of 222,000 viewers and 2.7%. On Rai3 the appointment with the message from TGR This was followed by 1,784,000 viewers with 15.6%. Rai Parliament Question Time There were 225,000 viewers, which corresponds to 2.5%. Wait…Geo marks 586,000 viewers with 8.2%. Geo recorded 901,000 viewers with a 10.8% rating. On Rete4 The forum helpdesk This was followed by 682,000 viewers with 6.6%. TG4 diary of the day There were 307,000 viewers with 3.9%. On La7, after a presentation (344,000 – 3.2%), Tagada There were 305,000 viewers with 3.6% (Focus: 159,000 – 2.1%). Once upon a time it was the twentieth century marks 85,000 viewers and 1%. Inside Edward VIII – The Traitor King There were 108,000 viewers with 1.5%. The film on TV8 Last Valentine’s Day it reached 205,000 viewers with 2.6%.

Second evening

TV8 did well with football insights.

On Rai1 door to door This was followed by 678,000 viewers with a share of 10.1%. On channel 5 TG5 night Overall there was an average of 445,000 viewers, which corresponds to a share of 16.2%. On Rai2 Stories of women at crossroads marks 223,000 viewers with 2.8%. On Italy1 Chicago Med it is watched by 249,000 viewers (3.2%) in the first episode and by 170,000 viewers (3.7%). On Rai3 the Tg3 night line marks 262,000 viewers with 4%. On network 4 The infernal Quinlan (Part One) was voted by 129,000 viewers with a market share of 3.7%. On TV8, Conference League Live reached 398,000 viewers with 3.2%. Below UEFA third half reaches 181,000 viewers (2.9%), Champions League 147,000 (4%).



1:30 p.m. 2,918,000 (24.9%)

8:00 p.m. 4,527,000 (24.7%)


1:00 p.m. 1,652,000 (15.2%)

8:30 p.m. 1,045,000 (5.3%)


2:25 p.m. 1,063,000 (9.7%)

7:00 p.m. 1,824,000 (13.7%)


1 p.m. 2,535,000 (22.8%)

8:00 p.m. 3,499,000 (18.8%)


12:25 p.m. 1,033,000 (11.2%)

6:30 p.m. 477,000 (5%)


11:55 a.m. 216,000 (3.1%)

6:55 p.m. 481,000 (3.5%)


1:30 p.m. 473,000 (4.1%)

8:00 p.m. 1,266,000 (6.8%)

Auditel data by bands (share%)

RAI 1 7:33 p.m 16.54 19.65 16.78 17.76 24.41 21.85 17.59

RAI 2 4.44 1.88 5.39 9.63 5.18 2.57 3.73 2.79

RAI 3 6.7 8.45 5.19 7.93 4.75 10.65 5.8 4.41

RAI SPEC 6.05 7.75 9 4.65 8.29 5.53 4.98 5.4

RAI 36.52 34.61 39.22 38.98 35.99 43.17 36.36 30.19

CHANNEL 5 5:77 p.m. 6:49 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 9:51 p.m. 8:6 p.m. 4:67 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 6:52 p.m

ITALY 1 4.42 3.61 2.99 5.64 3.07 4.16 5.84 3.68

NETWORK 4 3.95 1.49 1.61 4.39 4 2.79 4.64 5.57

MED SPEC 10.97 11.63 11.92 8.6 10.73 9.64 10.55 12.86

MEDIASET 37.11 35.22 35.97 40.15 38.4 33.26 35.07 40.63

A7+A7D 4.58 4.17 4.4 3.86 3.36 3.14 6.27 6.14

SATELLITE 15.92 17.04 14.44 12.41 16.45 14.44 16.68 18.38

TERRESTRIAL 5.87 8.96 5.97 4.6 5.8 5.99 5.63 4.65

OTHER NETWORKS 21.79 26 20.41 17.01 22.25 20.43 22.3 23.04