Twelve people were injured in a collision with a cart

Twelve people were injured in a collision with a cart at the Royal Québec Golf Club –

Dozens of people were shocked when a golf cart pulled out of its course in the middle of their gathering at the Royal Quebec Golf Club last Thursday. Twelve of them were injured.

An out-of-control kart interrupted the 55th edition of the Quebec region’s Association de la construction du Québec (ACQ) Golf Classic while many of the participants gathered for a reception and unveiling of the winning teams on September 7.


A restaurateur hired by the ACQ lost control of his small vehicle while preparing the cocktail and collided with around ten people.

“It was so unexpected,” said the association’s general director for the Quebec region, Caroline Potvin. I didn’t see what happened at the time, but I saw the consequences and the 12 people injured. It could have been worse.”

As some of the victims suffered serious injuries, the emergency services were called to intervene. Two of them had to be brought in by ambulance.

The uproar the accident caused also surprised many of the 328 guests who attended the organization’s networking event.

Every year, the ACQ invites its members and other construction stakeholders to play a round of 18 holes before enjoying a welcome cocktail. For the organizers, this is the second largest recurring event of its kind.

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The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) was on site to ensure that this was not a voluntary act.

“The patrol officers spoke to those present and came to the conclusion that it was an accident. We also checked whether alcohol could have been involved, but that wasn’t the case either,” explains SQ spokesman Hugues Beaulieu.

No charges have been filed against the person behind the wheel of the car. The police will also not carry out any investigations in connection with the incidents.

Caroline Potvin claims that the insurance companies of all the people and companies involved are still determining what happened. No action has been taken against the ACQ, its suppliers or the Royal Québec Golf Club at this time.